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The H of Nantes too high for Chartres

If they had made the H tremble last season, only beaten in the last moments (24-25), the Chartrains only tickled him, this Friday evening, in Jean-Cochet. And even. Not sufficiently regular, the CCMHB has experienced too many concentration swings to worry the runner-up of PSG, who has generally mastered his subject to line up a fifth consecutive victory in Starligue (27-33).

Faced with the semi-finalist of the last Champions League, Chartres still resisted better than the previous week on the floor of PSG (39-25). The CCMHB even made life difficult for the H in the first period, despite a missed start (4-8, 11 ‘).

Chartres Hand Co: face to face with Gaël Tribillon

Perhaps a little blunt, three days after their victory over the Danes of GOG in the European Cup, the Nantes people went through a big air gap, which the Euréliens took advantage of to catch up and even take two lengths of advance (13-11, 24 ‘), under the impetus in particular of Adria Figueras, brilliant against his former club, and Sergiy Onufriyenko, very inspired to the pass.

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