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The clothing stores of Chartres are struggling to make window shopping again pleasant

Pushing the door of a clothing store casually, unhooking a hanger from its clothes rack to examine it more closely, putting it down and moving on to another, entering a fitting room with arms laden with pants, shirts and sweaters …

So many gestures that were part of the daily life of customers, but which, since May 11 and the reopening of so-called “non-essential” businesses, no longer necessarily go without saying. The implementation of barrier gestures in clothing stores required a thorough overhaul of habits.

Hydroalcoholic and steam gel

In her Billie and June women’s ready-to-wear boutique, Sabrina Salem is a fervent supporter of hydroalcoholic gel. “I insist on this because if a person disinfects their hands properly, there is no risk if they touch clothing. For the Chartraine trader, on the other hand, it is impossible to practice the 24-hour quarantine recommended for the items tested. “I only have one item of each size, I can’t afford to block them all this time. “But she notes that her customers” do not ask questions on this subject “. “I offer to lend the clothes, but people prefer to try in the cabin each time. “

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“There is less fitting than usual,” says Louise Jugé, the owner of the Elsa Lingerie store. To satisfy its most reluctant customers to return to the store, it offers home deliveries. “I know my clients, their measurements, I take several sizes with me, and we always manage to find the right one. “

“We must always positivize the most dramatic situations. You have to be creative, offer services, be clever. “

Edwige Barreteau (Owner of a ready-to-wear store in Chartres)

At Garance Preppy, Edwige Barreteau was inspired by the best practices of Parisian department stores, and in particular the Bon Marché. For the fitting part, Edwige Barreteau has established well-established rituals, which are displayed on the front door. Systematic disinfection of the cabin after each pass, “all the seats, the rack on which the customers hang the clothes, the switch”, then quarantine, for 24 hours, of the clothes tested. “I then steam them,” says the trader, who luckily already owned a steamer. The clothes will then remain for a few hours in the back room before finding the way to the clothes racks. The recommendations of the Ministry of Labor leave the choice between the two techniques, quarantine or steam, but Edwige Barreteau wants to ensure its customers maximum security.


To reassure their customers, several Chartrain clothing businesses are offering privatization. This is particularly the case with Covent Garden. Since May 11, fifteen customers have asked Juliette Pichot for an hour of exclusive shopping. Regulars but also new customers. “Customers tell us they feel the advice is different, even if we do our business the same way. But taking the time must change their perception. The service is free and there is no obligation to buy, insists the shopkeeper.

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Edwige Barreteau is also experimenting with the privatization of his shop. “It’s a kind of coaching that customers appreciate,” says the trader, who has the motto of “always positive the most dramatic situations”. “You have to be creative, offer services, be clever. “

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Géraldine Sellès

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