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“The Best Plan for This Winter”: Spanish Association of Vaccinology Launches New Vaccination Campaign

The Spanish Association of Vaccinology (AEV) has launched a campaign to insist on the importance of getting vaccinated now against winter respiratory infections, a message aimed at those over 60 years of age, risk groups and children between 6 and 59 months, who have not yet been vaccinated.

Poster for the campaign of the Spanish Association of Vaccinology on vaccination in winter. Photo provided

“The best plan for this winter” is the name of the initiative that aims to remind the undecided to get the vaccines since viruses and bacteria can interfere with our lives, especially at this cold time of year and it does so at the midpoint of the flu campaign and without forgetting pneumococcus and covid-19.

According to this scientific society, citizens usually give a good response at the start of the vaccination campaign but interest declines as it progresses.

“We have, in vaccines, the best opportunity to protect ourselves and get our immune system in shape. Getting vaccinated is a healthy lifestyle habit,” he says. Jaime Pérez, president of the Spanish Association of Vaccinology.

Flu: it is not a harmless disease

Dr. Jaime Pérez reminds us that the flu is not a harmless disease and that it causes an average of 28,000 hospitalizations in Spain each year.

And he mentions vaccination in children between 6 and 59 months: “Those under five years of age suffer as much or more from the flu than those over 65. There are healthy boys and girls who are admitted for serious cases of this disease and can die.”

56.1% of children under 5 years of age who are admitted to the ICU due to the flu do not have any risk factors, according to data cited by the AEV.

The expert warns that, in recent years, due to covid-19 and the implementation of preventive measures such as the mask, there has hardly been any circulation of the flu virus – with the exception of last season, in which it did circulate. but not in the entire population – so this season our immune system may be “untrained.”

A woman is vaccinated at a health center in a flu vaccination campaign. EFE/Manuel Bruque

Covid and pneumococcus

The AEV also calls for the elderly, vulnerable and pregnant people to be vaccinated against covid-19, which was the most frequent cause of death in 2022 in Spain, with 31,559 people dying.

They also recommend that those over 60-65 years of age review their vaccination status against pneumococcus, since depending on when they were vaccinated they may need to be administered the vaccine again.

And for those over 60-65 years of age who have never been vaccinated against this bacteria, the AEV encourages them to do so since 41% of pneumonia cases in adults in Spain may require hospitalization.

Ten reasons to get vaccinated this winter

The campaign of the AEV reflects ten reasons to get vaccinated to face respiratory diseases that intensify in winter.

1. The immunity against covid-19, both that acquired by disease and by vaccination, declines over time. 2. The most vulnerable to respiratory infections, such as flu and covid-19, received their last dose a year ago. 3. The population in which the seasonally adapted dose against covid-19 is recommended is almost the same in which the flu vaccine is recommended. Both vaccines can be administered on the same day.

4. The flu coinfection covid-19 It may be more serious than each of the infections alone. 5. The vaccines available against covid-19 are up to date. They protect against variant frommicron, including XBB1.5, the predominant sublineage. 6. After three years with almost no circulation of the flu virus, our immune system may be “disconnected” and this season will be worse. 7. The flu vaccine is updated with the viruses circulating in the last season. Are tetravalents. There are more powerful vaccines for very elderly people or people who are in nursing homes. 8. The vaccination of pregnant women, both against the flu and against covid-19, is doubly important, since it protects the mother and her baby. 9. The vaccine against pneumococcus It is very important from 65 years of age and in risk groups. If you have never been vaccinated, find out. It can also be administered together with seasonal doses of covid-19 and flu. 10. The under 5 years They suffer as much or more from the flu than those over 65. There are healthy boys and girls who are admitted for serious cases and can die. That is why flu vaccination has been included in all children between 6 and 59 months.

2023-12-05 09:53:41
#vaccinated #winter #respiratory #infections

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