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The Benefits of Lemongrass Overcoming Menstrual Disorders, Why Should People with Hypertension Stay Away?

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Mostly lemongrass can be found in Indonesian kitchens. Generally, lemongrass is used as a spice in cooking. Not only that, lemongrass is also often used as herbal medicine. Lemongrass is a natural ingredient that can provide many health benefits. One of them, lemongrass is known to be good for a woman’s womb. So, is that right?

Launching from webmd.com, lemongrass is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia and a common ingredient in Thai cuisine. Currently, citronella has been widely cultivated in various regions of the world, such as Africa, Australia, as well as North America and South America. Lemongrass or lemongrass has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Lemongrass also contains citral, a natural plant compound with anti-inflammatory.

Quoted verywellfit.comLemongrass contains several nutrients that the body needs such as minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron), vitamins (vitamins A, C, folate, and niacin), and calories (protein and carbohydrates). To get the maximum benefits of lemongrass, lemongrass is first processed as tea to drink or used as oil. Serah is widely used as a natural remedy for digestive problems, nerve problems, and high blood pressure. It has traditionally been used as a pain reliever and fever reducer.

This spice ingredient is also known as a medicine that treats various diseases of the female uterus. However, these benefits still need to be reviewed because there are no studies that clearly mention the benefits of lemongrass for women’s uterus. Nonetheless, lemongrass has many benefits for women.

Launch healthline.comLemongrass can help relieve menstrual disorders. Drinking lemongrass tea can treat cramps and bloating due to menstruation. The anti-inflammatory properties make lemongrass can soothe a woman’s stomach during menstruation. Lemongrass can also help stimulate the uterus and menstrual flow. While lemongrass oil can help cool the body.

Lemongrass has anti-cancer properties so it can help prevent and treat cancer, one of which is cervical cancer. This is because the components of lemongrass can cause cell death directly thereby boosting the immune system.

However, for sufferers hypertension should consult a doctor first before consuming lemongrass. Because lemongrass can affect blood pressure. This also applies to pregnant or lactating women should not consume lemongrass because of the way certain chemical compounds work.


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