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Tatum Dagelet about Pretty & Single: ‘1.5 meters did not detract from intimacy’ | NOW

Tatum Dagelet recorded a second season of the program during the corona crisis Pretty & Single, in which women go on dates without make-up. The presenter tells in conversation with NU.nl that adhering to the 1.5 meters distance did not diminish the intimacy of the program.

Although the distance had to be kept both on the dates and during the conversations between the ladies in the studio, Dagelet was not bothered by this. “It is especially difficult for the cameramen and crew to work. I didn’t feel any distance between me and the participants,” she says.

“The conversations were immediately intimate and we also felt an enormous click with the entire group”, said the presenter who is still in a WhatsApp group with the participating ladies.

Dagelet, who found the program more and more interesting when watching the episodes of the first season, takes over the presentation from Nienke Plas. “That is quite exciting. It was already done by someone else and then I suddenly find myself there and people think something about it. I noticed that I had to let go of that thought immediately and focus on presenting the program as I do. want to do.”

“Sometimes I thought: Well, if she doesn’t choose him, then I would like to go on a date with him”

‘The dates are more realistic and playful this season’

The presenter seemed like a challenge to “discover the deeper layer behind the women who show their true face”. “It’s an experiment that combines human interest with a dating show and transformations. For me it just seemed like a lot of fun to work with such a group of women.”

In addition to the presentation, the format was also changed. In this season, the participating women will go on three dates at different locations, instead of five speed dates in the studio. “This makes the dates more realistic and playful”, says Dagelet. “The connections are genuine and that is nice to see.”

When watching the dates of the participating ladies, she sympathized and regularly hoped that it would really work out. “You allow them that click and there were a lot of nice men. Sometimes I thought: Well, if she doesn’t choose him, then I want to go on a date with him”, she laughs.

‘Social media play a role in turning the beauty ideal’

Dagelet emphasizes that Pretty & Single is not just a dating show with women without make-up, but it is mainly about their story. For example, there is a participant for whom make-up was the moment of distraction to avoid thinking about the death of her mother.

In addition, the presenter hopes that the program will encourage us to think about expectations we have in terms of beauty ideals. “I think social media plays a major role in this breakthrough and the creation of a distorted image, but what expectations have we as women actually created ourselves? Many of us always want to look nice with lipstick and heels on. “

She hears from some of the participants that they now wear less make-up when they go outside. She also wants to try it herself. “Maybe I should just go shopping without mascara. What am I afraid of? That people find me less beautiful? Why should I actually hide those insecurities?”

Pretty & Single can be seen weekly at 9 p.m. from Tuesday 25 August on KRO-NCRV on NPO3.

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1 thought on “Tatum Dagelet about Pretty & Single: ‘1.5 meters did not detract from intimacy’ | NOW”

  1. Tatum D. is en blijft gewoon een mens. En zolang ze nog leeft moet ze gewoon doen wat ze wilt. Dan zal ze ook wel een paar dingen laten.


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