5 Places to Find Water in the Solar System Apart from Earth

Apart from Earth, water can be found on other planets or objects in the Solar System. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Every living thing needs water because water is the source of life. Apart from Earth, water can be found on other planets or objects in the Solar System. Here are some locations in the Solar System … Read more

Similar to Antarctica, there may be glaciers on Mars, this is what it looks like

KOMPAS.com – Landing location Mars the potential one might be glacier which was covered in debris. The new study finds that a strange, tortuous feature on a flat plain known as the Arcadia Planitia bears a striking resemblance to the flow of ice within the ice sheet on Antartika. If the feature were truly glaciers … Read more

New Study Answers Reasons for Loss of Water on Mars

Scientists believe Mars’ water release is determined by weather and climate change. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MOSKOW – Scientists in a recent study study water ‘spilled’ from the atmosphere Mars due to changes in the seasons and storms of Mars. Scientists believe there is plenty of abundant water on Mars. There is an event that causes water on … Read more

NASA says Mars hides the oceans beneath the planet’s crust

Suara.com – Recent research NASA found that the oceans were probably buried beneath the crust Mars and didn’t disappear as previously thought. Previous studies stated that Mars once had enough water to cover the entire surface of the planet with oceans of water about 100 to 1,500 meters deep or about half the water from … Read more

Recent Research Suspected Remaining Water Trapped in the Crust of the Planet Mars

Most of the water on Mars is now stored as molecules in the planet’s crust. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – About four billion years ago, Bumi dan Mars still young, hot and wet. If they are not twin planets in the Solar System, then they must be ‘brother and sister’. Currently, Mars is being dubbed as Red … Read more

Scientists Find Hypothesis Where Water Lost on Mars

Water on Mars may hide on the surface, instead evaporating into space. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Scientists report a large amount of water Mars ancient may have been buried beneath the surface rather than disappearing into space. Findings published in the journal Science On Tuesday (16/3), we can unravel the collision of theories trying to explain … Read more