Business of the right purchase of daily life from the smallest to the most significant

Illustration The right purchase of the corporation of existence from the smallest to the premier is from molecules to the biosphere, photo supply: (Hanandito) by – Order organization lifestyle from the smallest to the premier is real from molecules to the biosphere. The organization of lifestyle is analyzed in Biology which deals with organisms … Read more

Conditions of cellular elements that affect the decrease of the qualities of dwelling issues

Illustration of the cellular pieces that affect the drop of the qualities of residing things. (Photo: CellFive from – In the cells of organisms there is a genetic compound in the form of chromosomes that contain genes. The component of the mobile that influences the inheritance of qualities is the gene. The existence of … Read more

a glimpse of life on Mars in Canada?

Lots of salt. Cold. And almost no oxygen. Extreme conditions that resemble the characteristics of certain Martian regions. However, they are those of a very earthly source. A source on the surface of which researchers have just discovered living microbes, which could therefore as well… have developed on Mars! – You will also be interested … Read more

Application of Genetic Engineering Technology in Humans – Genetical manipulation It is a technology that is constantly being developed. Genetic engineering is a promising technology for humans because it is believed to be able to cure various diseases for which no cure has yet been found. Genetic engineering is the process of changing genetics in organisms. Since it was first discovered, … Read more

The latest discovery in the medical world, CAR T-cell therapy as a treatment for blood cancer in patients

Purwodadi Media – Cancer blood is a disease caused by a dysfunction in cell growth and behavior, resulting in an excess of cells blood white bone marrow produced – which then leads to cancer. However, until now, there is no screening test that is able to detect cancer blood early on and sufferers can only … Read more