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What are Cells? Here are the structures and types


Have you ever looked at a body part? Yes, whatever you can see from the body is the tissue it is made of sel-sel.

Definition of cell is the smallest unit of an organism or living thing. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of organisms, just like the atoms in a chemical structure. Cells can determine the life span of living things.

The substances that make up the cells are made up of organic and inorganic compounds. The inorganic elements of cells consist of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. While the organic elements are in the form of complex structures ranging from the nucleus, ribosomes and others.

Cell structure

Citing learning modules Study of plant and animal cells by Cicik Suriani et al, explained that structurally, the constituent components or structure sel is:

1. Cell wall

The cell wall is owned by plants and not owned by animals. The cell wall has a different thickness depending on the age and cell type. Young cells usually have thin walls and mature cells have thick walls.

Looking at the structure and development, the cell wall is divided into three parts namely the middle lamella, the primary cell wall and the secondary cell wall. In plants, this middle lamella is present, as well as primary and secondary cell walls.

2. Plasma membrane

The plasma membrane is the outermost membrane of the cell composed of lipoprotein molecules and molecules that complete the structure of the plasma membrane. Furthermore, the plasma membrane also contains cholesterol. The plasma membrane is about 7.5 – 10 nm thick.

3. Phospholipid

The plasma membrane consists of a phospholipid bilayer, i.e. two layers of lipids bonded to phosphate. Phospholipids are phosphate molecules and fat molecules that look like heads and tails. Phosphates have hydrophilic properties while lipids have hydrophobic properties.

4. Membrane proteins

Membrane proteins are proteins found in the cell membrane. Proteins in phospholipids can account for more than 50% of the membrane weight.

5. Nucleus or cell nucleus

The nucleus or cell nucleus is a component of the cell membrane that has a round or oval shape. The location of the nucleus is in the center of the cytoplasm, but in plant cells the nucleus is located slightly at the edge of the cytoplasm.

6. endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

The endoplasmic reticulum or ER for short is a vesicle or sac that has a flat, round, or tubular shape. The ER has a membrane and is connected to the nuclear membrane as well as the plasma membrane so that it functions as a link between the outside of the cell and the inside of the cell.

7. Many Golgi

Golgi bodies are found in cells that perform excretory functions. Golgi bodies in plant cells are also known as dictyosomes. The Golgi body structure has two surfaces, namely the outer surface is convex and the inner surface is concave.

8. Lysosomes

Lysosomes are one of the cell organelles in the form of a bag (ball) covered with a membrane. The contents of the lysosome are hydrolytic enzymes namely glucosidase, phospholipase, protease, nuclease, lipase, phosphatase.

9. Mitochondria

Mitochondria are the cellular organelles where cellular respiration takes place in living things. The shape and number of mitochondria in a cell can vary depending on the type or activity of the cell. Mitochondria are abundant in cells that have high metabolic activity.

10. Ribosomes

Ribosomes are membrane organelles, containing various strands of RNA and proteins, carbohydrates, small amounts of fats and minerals. The ribosome structure consists of 2 parts namely the small subunit and the large subunit.

Cell type

In the book Fundamentals of cellular and molecular biology by Zairin Thomy and Essy Harnelly (2018), it is stated that when viewed from the structure, cells are generally divided into two groups, namely prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

The distinguishing feature of each group is that in prokaryotic cells, there is no nuclear membrane while in eukaryotic cells, there is a nuclear membrane.

1. Prokaryotic cells

The main structures in prokaryotic cells are the cell wall, cell plasma membrane, ribosomes and nucleoid (genetic material). Prokaryotic cell groups include bacteria and mycoplasma.

The characteristics of prokaryotic cells are:

  • Have a cell wall
  • The cell size is approximately 1-10 mm
  • Size of the 70S ribosome
  • Metabolism occurs anaerobically
  • DNA is found in the cytoplasm
  • RNA and protein are synthesized in the same space
  • Meiosis does not occur
  • Most are mobile organizations

2. Eukaryotic cell

The structure of eukaryotic cells is clearly different from prokaryotic cells. In eukaryotic cells there is a carion and a nucleus. In the nucleus it is dominated by DNA. Examples of organisms whose cells are eukaryotic are plants and animals.

The characteristics of eukaryotic cells are:

  • The cell wall is present in plants, but not in animals
  • Dimension sel about 10-100mm
  • The size of the 80S ribosome
  • aerobic metabolism
  • The organelles in it include the nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum and others.
  • DNA is found in the nucleoplasm
  • Meiosis occurs
  • Most are multicellular, with differentiation into several cell types

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