Massive Demonstrations Against Right-Wing Extremism Expected in Bavaria

Massive Demonstrations Against Right-Wing Extremism Expected in Bavaria

In Bavaria, tens of thousands of people want to take to the streets in demonstrations against right-wing extremism in the coming days. The largest gathering is likely to take place on Sunday in Munich. According to the state capital, up to 20,000 participants are expected at the event under the motto “Together against the right … Read more

Private clinics in Bavaria have received Corona aid wrongly.

Private clinics in Bavaria have received Corona aid wrongly.

During the corona pandemic, private clinics in Bavaria often wrongly received so-called retention allowances from the state government. The Bavarian Supreme Court of Auditors (ORH) criticizes this in its current report. It is about an amount of more than twelve million euros. The pandemic and the resulting strain on the national budget are again a … Read more

Corona positive in Bavaria: what to do? – Bavaria

Corona positive in Bavaria: what to do?  – Bavaria

Those with Corona no longer have to stay at home: Bavaria abolished the isolation obligation on November 16th. Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) gives the “urgent recommendation: if you are sick, stay at home – as with other acute respiratory diseases”. But the decisive factor is that personal responsibility is now required. Until now, anyone … Read more

Bavaria: Government loosens corona rules: Is the mask requirement decreasing? – Bavaria

Bavaria: Government loosens corona rules: Is the mask requirement decreasing?  – Bavaria

Apparently Corona has already disappeared from many minds. Anyone who travels by bus or train regularly or has visited a public building in recent weeks may have noticed that the Corona rules are no longer observed or applied as consistently. In other words, fewer and fewer people are wearing a mask. Although there are actually … Read more

Würzburg: Great alliance makes politics against CSU and SPD – Bavaria

Würzburg: Great alliance makes politics against CSU and SPD – Bavaria

Can you get something trend-setting off the ground in Bavaria without the CSU and SPD? It doesn’t sound very realistic at first, but in Würzburg it’s exactly this question that will lead to an oath. There, citizens will have to decide in two months whether a large car park on the Main (known under the … Read more

Munich: Söder stops planning the concert hall. A mistake – Munich

Munich: Söder stops planning the concert hall.  A mistake – Munich

People familiar with political processes know what that means. When a politician says “we shouldn’t rule out raising the retirement age in the future”, it means: I want future generations to retire at the age of 69. If the politician is in an influential position, it will soon be implemented, which “we” can no longer … Read more

Bamberg: Stieringer resigns because of a fake account affair – Bavaria

Bamberg: Stieringer resigns because of a fake account affair – Bavaria

People who make positive comments about the SPD on Facebook under false names? The Bamberg parliamentary group leader had approved of this – and had come under heavy criticism. Now he draws the conclusion. – In the course of an affair about fake accounts in Bamberg’s local politics, the SPD parliamentary group leader Klaus Stieringer … Read more

Bavaria: Söder wants to tighten corona measures – Bavaria

Bavaria: Söder wants to tighten corona measures – Bavaria

The state government now wants to react quickly to the increasing corona infections in the Free State. “The hospitals are increasingly full,” said Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) on Thursday – and promised tougher measures. According to this, after the end of the autumn break on November 8th, pupils have to wear masks again in … Read more

Seven parties work together in Würzburg – without the CSU and SPD – Bavaria

Seven parties work together in Würzburg – without the CSU and SPD – Bavaria

These are stormy times, politically. In Berlin three parties are in the process of getting a common doorbell sign – from experienced opponents to coalition members. With a view to Lower Franconia, of course, this is comparatively unspectacular. Three parties? In Würzburg they are more than just one step further. Seven city council factions and … Read more