7 Powerful Skincare Ingredients To Overcome Acne

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — What is your flagship product to deal with pimple? Current product selection skincare (skin care) for acne prone skin is so diverse. Each offers advantages in dealing with acne. Here are skincare ingredients for acne-prone skin. “There’s a lot of specific material content in skincare (cleanser, toner, moisturizer) that can be … Read more

7 Best Foods to Help Get Rid of Acne

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — In addition to external treatment such as with skincare, it is also important to pay attention to care from within, namely through food the one that removes pimple. The reason is, the skin is the body’s way of speaking when it doesn’t pay attention to the food consumed, including with the … Read more

It turns out that talking while wearing a face mask can invite acne

JAKARTA – When wearing face mask, the skin will become tight and difficult to speak. Try to be patient, because it turns out that talking a lot while wearing a mask can cause acne. According to a skin and genital specialist from the University of Indonesia, dr. Susie Rendra, Sp.KK, FINSDV, reduced talking while wearing … Read more