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7 Best Foods to Help Get Rid of Acne

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

In addition to external treatment such as with skincare, it is also important to pay attention to care from within, namely through food the one that removes pimple.

The reason is, the skin is the body’s way of speaking when it doesn’t pay attention to the food consumed, including with the onset of acne. Here are seven foods that get rid of acne.

Research has shown that low-glycemic, high-protein foods play an important role in improving acne.

Therefore, to prevent acne from coming, it is better to start from a diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables.

Here are seven foods that get rid of acne and blemishes.

1. Kale

Kale is one of the foods that get rid of acne. (Pixabay/Mbland)-

Kale is one of the foods that is believed to be effective in preventing acne from coming. This is because kale is a nutrient-dense vegetable.

As reported HealthlineApart from being high in fiber and low in calories, kale is also packed with nutrients such as:

– vitamins A, B-6, C, and K.
– mangan
– calcium
– copper
– potassium
– magnesium

The antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in kale work to reduce hyperpigmentation, which is key to evening out your skin tone.

Vitamin C also promotes collagen formation, helping to repair acne scars more quickly by increasing cell turnover rates.

To try: Add a glass of kale to your smoothie or stir-fry briefly to enjoy as a side dish for lunch or dinner.

2. Sweet potato

Sweet potato with slices isolated on white backgroundSweet potato is one of the foods that get rid of acne. (iStockphoto/MahirAtes)-

Retinol, a vitamin A derivative, is ideal for fighting acne and preventing wrinkles.

There are hundreds of retinol creams and serums on the market that promise to get rid of your acne, but for those under 30, this powerful ingredient may be too harsh on the skin.

Therefore, try to eat from the original source.

Beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A, is one of the reasons why sweet potatoes have an orange color.

After eating sweet potatoes, your body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A.

This vitamin has properties that will act as a skin barrier against discoloration, inflammation, and clogged pores that are often caused by free radicals.

3. Lemon

Fresh lemon juice acts as a natural astringent which is believed to help tighten loose skin and reduce blemishes.

However, using it as a topical treatment is not recommended. Lemon juice is too acidic and can damage your skin’s barrier, causing it to become too light or dark after exposure to the sun.

But when lemon’s properties are packed in serum, squeezed into your drink, top as a complement to salads, and part of your diet, it can work wonders for the skin.

A 2014 study confirmed the protective and anticarcinogenic effects of orange peel flavonoids.

In addition, lemon helps increase collagen production, blocks free radicals, and fades acne scars.

You can try it by squeezing a fresh lemon into a cup of warm water and drinking it on an empty stomach every morning for glowing skin.

Check out other acne-fighting foods on the following page.

Foods that get rid of acne


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