Understanding and Treating Bacterial Vaginitis, Candida Vaginitis, Trichomonas Vaginitis, and More: Symptoms and Treatments

Understanding and Treating Bacterial Vaginitis, Candida Vaginitis, Trichomonas Vaginitis, and More: Symptoms and Treatments

Bacterial vaginitis, Candida vaginitis, Trichomonas vaginitis, etc. Entered 2024.04.06 07:40 Entered 2024.04.06 07:40 Modified 2024.04.04 11:05 Views 3 Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by a fishy odor. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Vaginitis is common enough to be called a woman’s cold. Nevertheless, if left untreated, it can progress to pelvic inflammatory disease. In severe cases, infertility and chronic pelvic … Read more