Preventive Measures and Information on Mysterious Pneumonia in Yogyakarta City

Preventive Measures and Information on Mysterious Pneumonia in Yogyakarta City

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA — The Yogyakarta City Health Service (Dinkes) asks the public not to panic regarding mysterious pneumonia which has been found in DKI Jakarta. However, it is emphasized that people should be aware of diseases caused by bacteria mycoplasmawhich can cause respiratory infections. “The public, especially in the city of Yogyakarta, does not need … Read more

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection Update: 6 Cases Detected in Indonesia – November 2023

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection Update: 6 Cases Detected in Indonesia – November 2023

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae infection which is currently attacking children in North China has also been detected in Indonesia. Director General of Disease Prevention and Control Maxi Rein Rondonuwu said there were 6 confirmed cases of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae. “Two days ago, after we confirmed, there are currently 6 cases of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae that have been affected and … Read more

Yogyakarta Health Office Reports on Pneumonia Cases: No Mysterious Pneumonia Found

Yogyakarta Health Office Reports on Pneumonia Cases: No Mysterious Pneumonia Found

Pneumonia. The Yogyakarta Health Office said that no mysterious pneumonia was found in Yogyakarta. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA — The Yogyakarta Health Service (Dinkes) said the pneumonia case in Gudeg City was still under control. Although there were cases of pneumonia, he emphasized that none were found mysterious pneumonia caused by mycoplasma bacteria as found in DKI … Read more

Republican Senators Call for Travel Ban Between United States and China Due to Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak – Latest Updates

Republican Senators Call for Travel Ban Between United States and China Due to Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak – Latest Updates

Jakarta – Five Republican senators United States of America asked President Joe Biden’s administration to ban travel between the United States and China following a spike in disease cases mysterious pneumonia of China. “We must immediately restrict travel between the United States and (China) until we know more about the dangers posed by this new … Read more

Mysterious Pneumonia Case in China: Indonesian Ministry of Health Raises Awareness

Mysterious Pneumonia Case in China: Indonesian Ministry of Health Raises Awareness

Jakarta – The Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) is raising awareness regarding the emergence of ‘mysterious’ pneumonia cases that have occurred in China. It was previously reported that this disease attacks many children in China, causing concern. Until now it is not known for certain what causes this ‘mysterious’ pneumonia case. However, according to epidemiological … Read more

Pneumonia Outbreak in Netherlands and China: What You Need to Know

Pneumonia Outbreak in Netherlands and China: What You Need to Know

Jakarta – The Netherlands is currently experiencing a significant increase in pneumonia cases in children. Making it the second country to report a pneumonia outbreak besides China. The Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL), a research institute in Utrecht, reported that 80 out of every 100,000 children aged between 5 and 14 had pneumonia … Read more

Understanding the Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak in Beijing: Causes and Impact

Understanding the Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak in Beijing: Causes and Impact

Jakarta – The World Health Organization (WHO) is urging China to provide detailed information about the ‘mysterious’ pneumonia respiratory disease that is infecting many children. So so far, what is known as the cause of this mysterious disease? The Chinese Health Authority said that this disease is known to originate from a pathogen. This follows … Read more

China’s Surge in Mysterious Pneumonia Cases: Impact on Children and Healthcare System

China’s Surge in Mysterious Pneumonia Cases: Impact on Children and Healthcare System

Jakarta – China is currently grappling with a surge in ‘mysterious’ pneumonia cases, which mostly attack children. Several hospitals in China are even reported to be overwhelmed because they are dealing with an increasing number of pediatric patients. The disease is believed to be caused by an increase in mycoplasma pneumonia, and has not been … Read more