Formation of Gold in Space: How Neutron Star Collisions Create the Precious Metal

Formation of Gold in Space: How Neutron Star Collisions Create the Precious Metal

Amastya • 30 Dec 2023, 14:20 RIAU24.COM – Gold is something that humans have fought for and hunted for centuries. It is known that the gold we see comes from the mine. But on a cosmic scale, it forms when massive stars collide. The formation of the sought-after precious metal is as difficult as the … Read more

Discovery of Neutron Star Collision and Kilonova with James Webb Space Telescope

Discovery of Neutron Star Collision and Kilonova with James Webb Space Telescope

Illustration of two neutron stars colliding and merging, an event called a kilonova. Image: Robin Dienel/The Carnegie Institution for Science SPACE — Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers have tracked a very bright gamma-ray burst (GRB) to its source, which is a violent collision between two neutron stars. The gold known on Earth … Read more

How Kilonova Explosions Create and Disseminate Precious Metals in Space

kilonova event (NASA) SPACE — There are many precious metals in the world. Call it gold, silver, and platinum. These metals are buried in the ground. To get a large amount must be done by mining. However, how did these metals form and get into the ground? According to one commonly held astronomical theory, these … Read more

How Kilonovas Create Precious Metals like Gold, platinum, and uranium

kilonova event (NASA) SPACE — There are many precious metals in the world. Call it gold, silver, and platinum. These metals are buried in the ground. To get a large amount must be done by mining. However, how did these metals form and get into the ground? According to one commonly held astronomical theory, these … Read more