Former President Trump Headlines GOP Fundraiser in Minnesota Amidst Hush Cash Trial

Former President Trump Headlines GOP Fundraiser in Minnesota Amidst Hush Cash Trial

Former President Donald Trump campaigns in Minnesota | Article Former President Donald Trump campaigns in Minnesota Introduction Former President Donald Trump used a break from his ongoing trial on Friday to attend a Republican fundraiser in Minnesota, a sometimes Democratic state that he believes he can win in November. Trump’s look on the state GOP’s … Read more

Donald Trump Mistakenly States Barron Trump is 17 During Interview, But Son is Actually 18

Donald Trump Mistakenly States Barron Trump is 17 During Interview, But Son is Actually 18

Donald Trump Makes Error, Says Son Barron Trump is 17 When He is Actually 18 Donald Trump Makes Error, Says Son Barron Trump is 17 When He is Actually 18 Former President Donald Trump made a mistake during an interview on Thursday by wrongly stating that his son Barron Trump is 17 years old, when … Read more

Former President Trump’s Lawyer Testifies in Stormy Daniels Case – Exposing Trump’s Involvement

Former President Trump’s Lawyer Testifies in Stormy Daniels Case – Exposing Trump’s Involvement

New York, April 30 (EFE).- The ex-lawyer of porn actress Stormy Daniels, Keith Davidson, took the stand this Tuesday when one of the witnesses was called to testify in a case- former President Donald Trump’s criminal lawyer and said he understood that the president was the driving force behind the deal to silence his client. … Read more