The Longest Separation of Spouses: Adela Gondikova’s Experience with Husband Martin Finger Abroad

The Longest Separation of Spouses: Adela Gondikova’s Experience with Husband Martin Finger Abroad

For now, it is the longest separation of spouses. The fact that, thanks to the time shift, it doesn’t even get caught “on the wire” doesn’t help the situation much… Adela Gondíková’s first meeting with Martin Finger as former spouses. “I’m already used to the fact that he shoots abroad almost every autumn. It was … Read more

The Street Series: Evžen’s Ex-Wife Returns with a Vengeance

The Street Series: Evžen’s Ex-Wife Returns with a Vengeance

A few weeks ago, a woman who he never wanted to meet again came back into Evžen’s life. His ex-wife Hana came to Ulica. Unfortunately for him, it was no accident. Hana sought him out on purpose. And as it turns out, until he gets his way, he’s not going to leave him alone. Why … Read more

Ulice: The Turbulent Relationship of Blanka and Evžen as Hana Returns

Ulice: The Turbulent Relationship of Blanka and Evžen as Hana Returns

This year, the creators of the Ulice series again focused on the relationship between Blanka and Evžen. Their relationship was harmonious, but ever since his ex-wife Hana came back into Evžen’s life, Blanka simply doesn’t recognize him. She hadn’t seen him so explosive and angry in a long time. Now Blanka unexpectedly meets Hana herself. … Read more

Mezinárodní filmový festival v Karlových Varech: Jiří Langmajer a Adla Gondková na Prosecco party

Mezinárodní filmový festival v Karlových Varech: Jiří Langmajer a Adla Gondková na Prosecco party

Title: Jiří Langmajer and Adla Gondková Celebrate Four Years of Marriage at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival Subtitle: The couple shares their recipe for a happy marriage Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic – The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival has entered its second half, and it was marked by the glamorous Prosecco party attended by a … Read more