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Stress Can Trigger Lupus, This Is The Reason


MAKASSAR – Lupus disease or autoimmune attack several organs in the body such as the skin, kidneys, brain, joints and others which can manifest in various symptoms. Such as rash on the skin, joint pain, to kidney problems.

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It is known as the thousand faces (wolf) disease because of the appearance of its face, its symptoms and signs are very diverse and resemble many other ailments.

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“Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which is a condition when the immune system in the body is unable to distinguish between germs and foreign objects from outside the body and the body’s own cells or tissues. So that the immune system attacks the body’s own cells and tissues,” said the doctor. an internal medicine specialist from Siloam Hospitals Makassar, Dr. dr. Femi Syahriani Sp.PD-KR during a webinar held on Saturday, May 22, 2021.

Lupus is more common in women, especially women of reproductive age compared to men, and the greatest age is between the ages of 15-45 years. “However, in children and the elderly can also be found in several cases,” he added.

According to Femi, Lupus or SLE is a complex disease and until now it is not certain what causes someone to suffer from lupus. However, various factors such as environmental, hormonal, immune system disorders, and genetic factors are thought to be the cause of lupus / SLE.

“Environmental factors include sun exposure, smoking, stress, certain drugs, and viral infections. Genetic factors play a role as a factor in causing lupus,” he said.

It was also stated in the education that the symptoms and signs of lupus / SLE differ from one patient to another. Symptoms commonly found in lupus sufferers include feeling pain and stiffness in the joints without swelling, muscle pain and weakness, feeling very tired, fever of unknown cause, reddish spots on the face, chest pain when taking a deep breath, and hair loss.

Even though most people with lupus are women, this disease can be minimized by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Femi said there are several things that can be done to prevent it, namely:

– Avoid stress
Because stress can be one of the triggers for suffering from lupus. This is because our immune system attacks our own bodies so that it will result in damaged or dead body cells.

– Live healthy and maintain a healthy diet
Eat foods with balanced nutrition such as consuming green vegetables, omega 3, and fruit rich in antioxidants and regular exercise or physical activity.

– Avoid smoking
This step can prevent lupus.

– Get enough rest by understanding the condition of the body and avoiding sun exposure.

“Until now, scientific research has not been found that can cure lupus, but there have been many patients who can live a normal and productive life, as long as we can identify and monitor the risk factors for lupus,” he concluded.


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