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Stellantis, how much did your managers earn in 2022?

A winning year has ended for the Stellantis Group in terms of revenue. But how much did Tavares, Elkann and Agnelli earn?

While the automotive sector is evidently in crisis due to the lack of microchips useful for building vehicles and because the desire to buy a new car has decreased between the pandemic and the outbreak of war in Ukraine, Stellar celebrate. The Group born from the union between FCA (formerly a joint venture FIAT e Chrysler) and the French PSA (Peugeot and Citroen), is in fact returning from a 2022 with the plus sign. Sales increased by 2.20%, and revenues were quantified at a good 179.6 billion euros. To be clear, 18% more than the previous year. There are two reasons for this boom. The favorable exchange rate and many models available.

The president of the Stellantis Group John Elkann (Ansa Photo)

The firm policy of the company in terms of direction to take, therefore yes to the reduction of the polluting impact, but not immediate conversion to electricity, has meant that many skeptics repaired their offer. In this regard, it should not be forgotten that several brands have already completely abolished endothermic engines from their fleet, and consequently petrol or diesel fueling, which remains strong in some countries such as Italy, in terms of preferences.

The question at this point is. What has all this success brought into the pockets of the top management? Starting from the figure relating to profits, i.e. 16.8 billion euros, the company thus paid its bosses.

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Overall, the board of directors collected 31.1 million euros. However, the greatest cachet is due to the CEO Carlos Tavares with 23.4 million euros, in 2021 it had been 19.1. Of which 2 million in basic pay, 7.5 million in short-term incentives and 11.5 in long-term and 2.3 million for retirement.

Poorer, so to speak, the plate of John Elkann. The chairman and head of Exor, the majority shareholder holding company of the Group, took home 5.8 million euros, divided as follows: 951 thousand euros in salary, 1.1 million in company benefits (insurance policies, housing. health care) and 3.77 million euros as a long-term incentive. In total, since the beginning of his management, which took place five years ago, the 46-year-old has forfeited 27.6 million euros.

At the bottom of the box office scale, figure Andrea Agnelli, in recent months implicated in the chaos of the case capital gains linked to the contracts signed by the players of the Juve and to sales, such as the sensational one that involved Cristiano Ronaldo, as well as resigned from the club, as well as from the board Stellantis ed Exor (the effectiveness of his farewell will materialize on the occasion of the closing of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders scheduled for next April 13).

223 thousand euros arrived in the 47-year-old’s current account, just a handful of bills more than the vice president Robert Peugeot, which earned 219 thousand. In this case, the starting fee was set at 210,000 euros, 6,000 euros less than in the previous year, and 13,000 euros in fringe benefits, which have increased compared to the previous twelve months. Present in the three realities since 2016, since then it has obtained approximately 1.2 million euros.

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