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Starting this Monday they will reinforce the controls at the entrances to the City: what will be the enabled steps

This Monday the 29th begins a new stage of quarantine with more controls. Along these lines, the City Government announced that it will strengthen control of access to the Federal Capital and public transport. The goal: that only essential workers enter.

Members of the City Police; Transit Agents and Prevention Agents will control trains, subways and buses. They will also be stationed at the 40 vehicular accesses and 26 enabled pedestrian crossings.

As they specified, there will also be six internal and rotating checkpoints at high traffic points and eight in Metrobus corridors and transfer centers, on a rotating basis; 50 in subway stations and in 137 bus lines that circulate through the City.

Controls at the entrances to the City

Of the total of 93 accesses that the City of Buenos Aires has, there are only 20 that are enabled for all types of vehicles (9 with control of the City Police, Traffic Safety and Prevention Agents and 11 with control of the Federal Forces)

What are the enabled steps

For all types of vehicles

Alsina Bridge (City Police, Traffic and Prevention Agents)
Cnel Av. JA Roca (City Police, Traffic and Prevention Agents)
Crossing Av. Eva Perón (City Police, Traffic and Prevention Agents)
Av. Rivadavia Crossing (City Police, Traffic and Prevention Agents)
Crossing Av. San Martín (City Police, Traffic and Prevention Agents)
Cabildo Avenue Crossing (City Police, Traffic and Prevention Agents)
Avellaneda Park Toll (City Police, Traffic and Prevention Agents)
Illia Toll (City Police, Traffic and Prevention Agents)
Dellepiane Toll (City Police, Traffic and Prevention Officers)
AU Ricardo Balbín (Federal Forces)
Pueyrredón Nuevo Bridge (Federal Forces)
La Noria Bridge (Federal Forces)
Crossing Av. February 27 (Federal Forces)
Av. Gral Paz ascent on February 27 (Federal Forces)
West Access (Federal Forces)
AU Ricchieri (Federal Forces)
North Access (Federal Forces)
Avellaneda Bridge (Federal Forces)
Lugones and Sarmiento (Federal Forces)
Upload AU May 25 (Liniers) (Federal Forces)

At the same time, the authorities have another 20 accesses that will be semi-enabled. What does that mean? it can only be used by health, safety, public transport and cargo personnel.

Crossing Av. Francisco Fernández de la Cruz Avenue
Pedro de Mendoza Bridge Bridge
Crossing Av. De los Corrales Avenida
Crossing Av. Emilio Castro Avenida
Calle Tonelero Street Crossing
Víctor Hugo Calle Crossing
Crossing Calle Ricardo Gutiérrez / FFCC San Martin Calle
Crossing Emilio Lamarca Calle
Juan B Justo Avenida Crossing
Crossing Av. Juan B. Alberdi Avenue
Puente Victorino from Plaza Puente
Olympic Bridge Bridge
Puente Pueyrredón Viejo Bridge
Crossing Agrelo Street
Zapiola Bridge
Return Gral. Paz Río de la Plata from Gral. Paz to Riachuelo / crossing Av. San Martín
Return Gral. Paz Río de la Plata from Gral. Paz to Riachuelo / height Av. Del Libertador
Crossing Av. Parque Roberto Goyeneche
Plaza street crossing
Av. De los Constituyentes Crossing

There are 24 items enabled as essential. Among the main ones are doctors, nurses and health personnel; people who work in the different security forces, those who work in transport, employees of essential businesses (food stores, pharmacies)

Also those who assist someone elderly or disabled, media workers, who perform maintenance services, or related to oil, transportation of goods, among others.

The 27 closed vehicle accesses

1- Av. Gral. Paz Cruce Calle Griveo Calle
2- Cross Calle La Cachila Street
3- Zufriategui and Colectora Cantilo
4- Return Junction AU Luis Dellepiane and Av. Gral. Paz from Rio de la Plata to Riachuelo
5- Bosch Bridge Bridge
6- Superi Bridge Bridge
7- Av. Gral. Paz Crossing Calle Grecia Street
8- Crossing Calle 11 de Septiembre de 1888 Calle
9- Av. Gral. Paz Cruce Curupayti / FFCC Urquiza Calle
10- Crossing Dr. Ángel Roffo Calle Street
11- Cross Calle Tinogasta Calle
12- Av. Gral. Paz Crossing Calle Bruselas Calle
13- Ibarrola Street Crossing
14- Av. Gral. Paz Cruce Concordia
15- Cruce Cnel. Martiniano Chilavert
16- Junction AU Luis Dellepiane and Av. Gral. Paz AU
17- Crossing Av. Libertador Avenue
18- Bajada Av. Gral. Paz (exit Vedia street / Zapiola height)
19- Bajada Av. Gral. Paz (exit Vedia street / height Superi)
20- Ricardo Balbín Crossing
21- Av. Gral. Paz Cruce Av. Gral. Mosconi Avenue
22- Au. Perito Moreno – Bajada Gallardo
23- Av. Lugones and Dorrego
24- Av. Lugones and Ombúes
25- Av. Lugones and La Pampa
26- Av. Lugones and Udaondo
27- Gral Paz and Jorge Chávez

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