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Sources of Carbohydrates That Can Lower High Blood Pressure, One of them is Dates

KOMPAS.comHigh blood pressure can be stabilized in many ways, one of which is by consuming the appropriate carbohydrate intake.

Reported from WebMd, low carbohydrate intake has many benefits. Starting from losing weight, preventing obesity, also stabilizing blood pressure.

In a study published in Archives of Internal Medicine, researcher studied 146 participants who had obesity problems with follower health disorders such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

These 146 participants were divided into two groups. The first group, given a diet pattern with low carbohydrate intake. While the second group was given a diet pattern with special drugs and a low-fat diet.

The results of the study were almost the same, all participants experienced weight loss.

But when the researchers looked at blood pressure, the first group that was given a low-carb diet turned out to have more stable blood pressure.

Read also: Lowering Blood Pressure with a Cup of Tea, Here’s the Scientific Explanation

Well, then what kind of carbohydrates can lose weight and stabilize blood pressure?

1. Banana

Reported from Eatingwellthere are many types source of carbohydrates which is good for improving blood pressure and reducing obesity. So when you are going on a diet, there is no need to reject carbohydrates blindly.

Although many carbohydrates can be used to improve blood pressure, there are several sources of carbohydrates that have unique content, which can be used for dieting while stabilizing blood pressure more optimally.

Well bananas, is one of them. This potassium-rich fruit is a source of carbohydrates that can improve blood pressure.

The American Heart Association itself has recommended that patients with blood pressure above 120/80 should increase their potassium intake.

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/tren/image/2022/04/24/143000965/sumber-karbohidrat-yang-bisa-menurunkan-tekanan-darah-tinggi-salah-satunya?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">FREEPIK/FREEPIK Bananas can be used to lower blood pressure.-

2. Peanuts

Nuts provide natural carbohydrates, vegetable protein, vitamins, and minerals such as magnesium which can control blood pressure.

Reported from American Journal of Hypertensionpeople who eat beans and lentils regularly are known to have lower systolic blood pressure.

Read also: Must Know, This Plus Minus Banana Breakfast

3. Yoghurt

Yogurt can not only nourish the digestive tract.

According to research published in The International Dairy Journalpeople with high blood pressure who were given regular intake of yogurt, experienced a significant reduction in blood pressure.

This is because yogurt contains calcium, magnesium and potassium, minerals that can lower high blood pressure.

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/tren/image/2022/04/24/143000965/sumber-karbohidrat-yang-bisa-menurunkan-tekanan-darah-tinggi-salah-satunya?page=3" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">Oatmeal banana yogurt. Dok. Shutterstock/Dmitrii Ivanov Oatmeal banana yogurt. –

4. Dates

Dates have multiple benefits. Dates can be used as a natural sweetener which is much healthier than refined sugar.

In addition, the fiber, potassium and magnesium content in dates are also effective in lowering blood pressure.

Dates can be eaten alone as a snack, or mixed into a variety of breads and salads.

The four types of carbohydrate sources above can be effective and safe to use to lower blood pressure.

You can eat it whole, or mix it with other food ingredients.

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