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[Société] A section “spektak” created in the CGTR

UNION. The health crisis put the culture to stop. Several structures have been created in recent weeks to try to represent the sector : the association Kolèt’ and the collective MIKS. The CGTR has decided this week to mount a new section called spektak to represent the employees. “At the national, a trade union, CGT culture exists, but at The Meeting, there was a void. It is a request of the artists. However, the employees need to be represented before the institutions to make themselves heard”says Max Banon, the CGTR south.

“We want artists to have a body which represents them in the public debate : we can’t talk about our working conditions without being present. Today, we will resume the shows in strange conditions, with less public and therefore less revenue which will impact the fees of the artists. We try to bring together all the world to bring more demands : we want a local branch of the Pôle Emploi because our records are processed at Nanterre ; we also wish to see a reduction in the number of hours for having the status of intermittent The Meeting”says the musician Rémi Cazal, which became one of the spokespersons of this new section.

E. M

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