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Ryan Reynolds, Mark Ruffalo and other celebrities congratulate their mothers and wives on Mother’s Day »SmartEnvironment

Entornointeligente.com / This Sunday, May 9, many countries in the world celebrate Mother’s Day. As it has become customary for several years, congratulations abound on social networks and some of those that have stood out are those of renowned figures honoring the women who brought them into the world or their wives who are mothers.

Famous actor Ryan Reynolds was one of the first to write a dedication to his wife, actress Blake Lively.

“Can’t say enough… you are the heart and soul of every moment this family shares. I am grateful for the light and the goodness that you bring into every second of our lives. I see you in the eyes of our children… Every laugh. Every blink and every reflective moment of vulnerability. The tenderness it takes to be a mother in 2021 is an act of sheer strength and heroism, ”the Deadpool protagonist wrote to his wife, with whom he has three children: James, Inez and Betty. He then dedicated a “Happy Mother’s Day, my love.”

J Balvin with his mother. Photo: Instagram Ryan is known for his jokes, and in the tender message he also mentioned “sex in the airport bathroom”, an intimacy that is not known if it is just part of a joke.

“I could never have predicted that anonymous sex in the airport bathroom would lead to this. Or how you would hire Dog The Bounty Hunter to find me. Either way, I’m lucky to reflect a little bit of the sunlight that shines on all of us, ”he said.

Colombian singer J Balvin also congratulated his mother on this significant day. He shared an image of Alba Mery Balvin with the singer when he was a child. He appears in a costume that he still does not know what character he was.

“Happy mothers day. Especially mine who never explained this costume to me… He still doesn’t know, ”joked the interpreter of It’s Not Fair.

Mark Ruffalo, interpreter of ‘Hulk’, congratulated his mother Marie Rose with this photo. Photo: Instagram Actor Mark Ruffalo also recognized his mother.

He attached a photo of his mother dressed as Wonder Woman and wrote on his Instagram: “The original super woman.”

Alec Baldwin, actor of the classic Beetlejuice, joined in the congratulations. He dedicated a message to his wife Hilaria Baldwin, together with whom he has five children: Carmen, Leonardo, Romeo, Eduardo and Rafael.

“Happy Mother’s Day to the greatest mom in the world. Really. Really. Really, ”he wrote.

Actress Jamie Lee Curtis posted on her Instagram a black and white photograph in which she appears with her late mother, Janet Leigh, a remembered artist. She wrote a message in which she recognized the work of her mother, hers and that of millions of women.

Alec Baldwin shared this familiar picture to congratulate his wife. Photo: instagram With this image of memory Jamie Lee Curtis honored the work of all mothers. Photo: Instagram Receive the newsletter: The football nerdo Breaking news, in real time Register I want to receive communications

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