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Remembering Jean-Michel Benquet: Honoring the Legacy of a Remarkable Journalist | The Republican Echo

It is with infinite sadness that we have just learned of the disappearance of our former journalist colleague Jean-Michel Benquet, who died Monday afternoon, at the age of 67, at his home, peacefully, with his family, in Aude, overcome by an illness he had been battling for many months.

A passion for his peers

Retired since 2015, after a 34-year career at the local editorial office in Chartres, which began in 1981, this journalism graduate from the IUT of Bordeaux has left his mark on the sensitive plates of several generations of journalists and colleagues, who have so much learned and shared, in contact with him, on the professional and human levels.

His legendary phlegm, his exquisite education, his deep humanity and his ability to almost never go out of his way paint the portrait of an intimate man who is no less admirable than the professional he was: a rigorous and honest journalist. , with flawless ethics, monster of local erudition, custodian of a detailed knowledge of local issues and current events in his city, but also a zealous collector of the slightest bit of information, brought down thanks to this solid network that he knew how to build itself and who had an unwavering trust in it.

Those who thought him too serious probably misunderstood his humor and his fantasy, distilled by impressionist touches, behind the ramparts of discretion above all humility and empathy.

Fascinated by “the other”, which he discovered through his numerous travels and his reports, which he supported through his associative activities, in particular literacy, Jean-Michel Benquet undoubtedly lived more for others than for himself.

All the employees of The Republican Echo sends its most sincere condolences to his wife, Elisabeth; his daughter, Alice; his son-in-law Pablo, his grandson, Elliot, as well as all of his relatives.

His funeral will take place on Friday, September 1, at 10:30 a.m., in the Church of the Assumption in Limoux (Aude).


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