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Reducing Harmful Electromagnetic Waves at Home: Tips and Strategies

How to reduce harmful electromagnetic waves at home

Entered 2023.11.11 20:20 Views 0 Entered 2023.11.11 20:20 Views 0

A microwave oven is a cooking method that heats food by emitting microwaves, and the amount of electromagnetic waves generated is very high. Therefore, refrain from looking inside during cooking and stay at least 2 meters away. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]As people use smartphones all day, the risk of exposure to electromagnetic waves has increased. In fact, all electronic products, no matter how big or small, emit electromagnetic waves. In particular, children and adolescents have a higher electromagnetic wave absorption rate because their body water content is higher than that of adults. How much electromagnetic waves are we exposed to in our daily lives?

When exposed to strong electromagnetic waves for a long period of time, An induced current is formed within the human body, affecting the hormone secretion system and immune cells.It’s crazy. As a result, symptoms such as headaches, sleep disorders, and memory loss may occur. In particular, it can cause more serious damage during pregnancy and childbirth.

An Argentine reproductive research institute revealed that when people use smartphones or laptops connected to Wi-Fi for more than four hours a day, some sperm stop moving and their DNA is damaged. In another study, Exposure to electromagnetic waves during pregnancy can affect cell growth, DNA proliferation, and brain cell function. They warn that the damage can last a lifetime or even be inherited.

If you want to reduce electromagnetic wave damage, the most effective way is to refrain from using electronic devices, reduce the amount of time you use them, and stay away from them. According to the Radio Research Agency (RRA), most When home appliances are used from a distance of 30cm, electromagnetic waves are reduced to 1/10 compared to when used in close contact. It decreases. Find out how to reduce harmful electromagnetic waves.

Keep the computer monitor at least 30cm away.

Since electromagnetic waves decrease in proportion to the square of the distance, you can avoid danger to some extent by maintaining a distance of at least 1.5 m from the TV and 30 cm from the computer monitor.

Microwave ovens must be at least 2m away

A microwave oven is a cooking method that heats food by emitting microwaves, and the amount of electromagnetic waves generated is very high. Therefore, refrain from looking inside during cooking and stay at least 2 meters away.

Unplugging the power after use reduces exposure to electromagnetic waves.

Hair dryers can also reduce electromagnetic waves by half if the cover is not removed. In addition, you can avoid unnecessary exposure to electromagnetic waves by unplugging home appliances after using them.

Smartphone calls last less than 10 minutes

You should also be careful about the time you spend using electronic devices or cell phones. It is advisable to talk on the cell phone for less than 10 minutes and watch TV for at least an hour. After 50 minutes of computer work, take a 10-minute break. Also, avoid leaving your cell phone next to your bed when going to bed.

Plants are the best at blocking electromagnetic waves

It is also helpful to use third-party products that can block electromagnetic waves. One of them is plants. All plants have the ability to absorb electromagnetic waves to varying degrees. To block electromagnetic waves using plants, it is best to place them between people and objects that generate electromagnetic waves. This is because the blocking effect is reduced if placed on or next to electronic devices.

2023-11-11 11:20:21

#microwave #safe #electromagnetic #waves

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