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Red and White Catalyst: ITB Researchers Develop Nationally-Made Catalysts for Industry Use

The lab is called the Chemical Reaction and Catalysis Engineering Laboratory. There, Prof. Dr. Ir. Subagjo, DEA, Prof. Dr. Ir. IGB Ngurah Makertihartha, and Dr. Ir. Melia Laniwati Gunawan, MS, from the Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) ITB, is committed to jointly conducting research on the topic of catalysts.

Apart from that, research activities involve strata 1, 2 and 3 students who are also interested and want to contribute to catalyst development. This is because the researchers have the goal that students’ work is not limited to final assignments.

“We want it to be more than that, namely that it can really be used, especially by the nation and state itself nationally, one of which is used in industry,” said Dr. Melia, Monday (4/12/2023).

This is in line with the background of the name Katalis Merah Putih, where the recipe, procedures and manufacturing process are the work of the nation’s children.

He said that the research carried out was not short because all aspects were looked at from various angles and tested on various scales. Apart from that, his party continues to try to collaborate with industry so that catalysts made in Indonesia can be used by the nation itself. Moreover, 90 percent of the chemical industry uses catalysts.

A catalyst is a substance that can speed up and direct chemical reactions when converting a raw material into another desired material. By using catalysts produced by the nation’s children, this can meet domestic catalyst needs. This dependence on catalyst imports could also be eroded.

Dr. Melia, from the Chemical Reaction and Catalyst Technology Expertise Group who is also Deputy Head Center for Catalysis and Reaction Engineering The Bandung Institute of Technology (CaRE ITB) or the Catalysis Engineering Center (PRK ITB), shares the journey of the Red and White Catalyst which continues to develop until now. Over time, CaRE ITB collaborated with various parties, both state-owned companies and industry, to develop red and white catalysts.


In 2005, Prof. Subagjo got the opportunity to develop a catalyst Naphtha Hydrotreating (NHT) for the Pertamina refinery. In 2007, the catalyst formula was successfully obtained. In 2009, trials were carried out on a fairly large scale at a Pertamina reactor with a capacity of 3-4 tons. After obtaining satisfactory results, the catalyst was finally used on a larger scale at a number of Pertamina refineries.


CaRE ITB is starting to develop a catalyst that converts palm oil into diesel.


In 2011, the ITB Chemical Reaction and Catalysis Engineering Laboratory collaborated with Research Technology Center (RTC) Pertamina and has produced various catalysts hydrotreating. Since 2011, more than 150 tons of catalyst hydrotreating has been produced and used in 8 reactors at 5 Pertamina refineries.


After that, in 2012, Research and Technology Innovation (RTI) Pertamina and CaRE ITB make a catalyst that converts palm kernel oil into bioavtur raw material.


In 2014, Katalis Merah Putih became increasingly popular as ITB and RTI Pertamina collaborated to make catalysts for biofuel.


Collaboration between Pertamina and ITB continues regarding catalyst development and equipment placement multipurpose microreactor in the chemical reaction and catalysis engineering laboratory at ITB Ganesha Campus, 22 September 2017. This is a manifestation of Pertamina’s trust which has collaborated with the TRKK Lab, Chemical Engineering Study Program, FTI, ITB, since the end of 1999, which has been involved in evaluation and catalyst selection at Pertamina.

In the same year, cooperation was established with BPDP Sawit to convert palm oil into gasoline. This research continues research carried out in 1982 by Prof. Subagio.

Also Read: Red and White Catalyst (3): 2018-2023, Transforming Palm Oil into Bioavtur until the Birth of a Catalyst Factory for National Sovereignty

Reporter: M. Naufal Hafizh

Editor: M. Naufal Hafizh

2023-12-21 08:48:28
#Red #White #Catalyst #Development #Pertamina #Refinery #Palm #Gasoline

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