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Recognize 5 Differences of Colds due to Corona Virus and Common Flu

Winnetnews.com – During this time of the corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic, experienced runny nose symptoms cold of course it will make us worry.

Because a cold can also indicate someone is infected with the corona virus.

As a result, those who experience cold symptoms are confused about whether the symptoms are caused by Covid-19 or the common cold (influenza).

Seeing this, there is really no really effective way to distinguish the symptoms of corona from the common cold.

The only way to distinguish the symptoms of corona from the common cold is by doing a Swab test.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the swab test itself is a process of taking mucus samples from the respiratory tract.

You do this by rubbing the throat through the mouth and nose.

This is done because the corona virus is the same as the flu, which attacks the respiratory tract, so the results of these samples will be tested for accuracy in the laboratory.

Even so, we can still try to identify early symptoms of corona infection by recognizing the following characteristics of cold symptoms that are felt;

1. Sneezing

Sneezing is often associated with the common cold and flu. Sneezing is not believed to be a symptom of corona.

However, if sneezing is accompanied by a high temperature, fever, cough and loss of sense of taste for a long time, we may be suspicious.

2. Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath can be a symptom of corona. This symptom is considered striking enough to differentiate between flu and Covid-19.

Shortness of breath itself when accompanied by other symptoms should be suspect.

Because shortness of breath is not a common symptom of flu, although in flu shortness of breath can also appear. Shortness of breath is more common in those who experience Covid-19.

3. Time of illness

Those infected with Covid-19 according to the CDC will generally experience a longer time to develop corona symptoms than those who have the flu.

In general, a person develops symptoms from 1 to 4 days after infection.

However, in Covid-19 symptoms can appear 5 days after a person is infected. The fastest is 2 days, and no later than 14 days after being infected with the corona virus.

4. Watery nose

Symptoms of a runny nose or runny nose are not a good reason for someone to be tested for the corona virus.

If you don’t have other symptoms of corona but have cold-like symptoms, then you don’t need to be tested and don’t need to isolate yourself. This is as conveyed by NHS Scotland.

5. Loss of smell and taste

In August, European researchers found that the loss of the distinctive smell of the corona virus is different from the symptoms of the common cold or flu (Influenza). Covid-19 patients generally experience a ‘sudden’ and ‘severe’ odor loss.

Likewise, coronavirus patients who lose their taste cannot identify the difference between bitter or sweet. The corona virus is thought to affect nerve cells associated with smell and taste, so this condition occurs.

So, those are five ways to identify different symptoms of corona with the common cold. Recognize early so you can detect corona virus infection early to prevent wider spread.

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