Home » today » World » CBP reports increase in fraud with humanitarian parole in Miami – 2024-05-12 01:58:20

CBP reports increase in fraud with humanitarian parole in Miami – 2024-05-12 01:58:20

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported an increase in the number of cases of “beneficiaries” of the parole humanitarian workers who arrive at Miami International Airport (MIA) with false documentation.

CBP officer Otto Vázquez told the media Telemundo 51 that the MIA registers daily the arrival of between 350 and 500 migrants with parole humanitarian, and that all of these undergo “a thorough secondary inspection” to ensure their eligibility.

This process not only serves to validate the authenticity of the documents, but also to evaluate the integrity of the background of each migrant who arrives in the country, to finally stamp a stamp on the person’s passport.

The aforementioned media points out that this program has been the target of several scams, as there have been reports of fraudulent documents that are presented by migrants, in many cases, without their knowledge.

“These scams proliferated especially in the first months of the program. “If a migrant presents a fraudulent letter, he is not only inadmissible to enter the US, but he could also face additional charges for fraud,” Vázquez added.

The officer points out that they must also be attentive to possible cases of human trafficking, for which there are “specialized units to detect and prevent situations of exploitation.” Likewise, North American authorities urge migrants themselves to report any situation in which they could be in danger.

Miami sector receives the largest number of beneficiaries

According to official figures, the Miami sector of the CBP Office of Field Operations (OFO) is the one that receives the largest number of beneficiaries of the parole humanitarian, this through direct flights from their countries of origin.

These numbers indicate that, during the first 14 months of the program, Florida processed about 326,000 arrivals of the 386,000 that have entered the country with the help of the program implemented by Joe Biden at the beginning of 2023.

In that sense, the city of Miami stands out as the main reception point for these migrants in the state, as it has received 306,505 of them.

The program began in January 2023, and offers 30,000 humanitarian visas monthly to people from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Haiti who have a sponsor in North American territory. This sponsor must be a legal resident, and be responsible for the medical, housing and food expenses that the migrant may need during the two years that the stay lasts. parole.

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