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Public health draws attention to World Obesity Day – Dagblad Suriname

World Obesity Day is celebrated worldwide on March 4. It’s an international
Awareness Day that focuses worldwide on obesity, one of the largest
public health challenges, their impact and practical solutions
to reduce and prevent obesity. “Everybody Needs to Act” (= ‘Everybody must
acting’) is the theme for this year.

There are currently hundreds of millions of obese people worldwide who face multiple barriers, including stigma, a higher risk of poor mental health and unequal access to health care. To make change happen, we need action at the local, national and global levels. To do this, we need everyone – including health professionals, employers, policy makers, people with obesity and the general public – to be a part of that action. We cannot reach those people without you.

Obesity is a major risk factor for several non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and various cancers. The main causes of obesity are often a combination of nutritional, lifestyle, genetic, psychological, socio-cultural, economic and environmental factors. Worldwide there is: an increased intake of energy-rich foods with a lot of fat; an increase in physical inactivity due to the increasingly sedentary nature of many forms of work, changing modes of transport and increasing urbanization. In Suriname, in general, about 50% of men and women are physically inactive. They engage in 30 minutes of physical activity less than five days a week. Overweight and obesity affect 60-85% of adult women. Obesity in women is about double that in men.

Obesity, like its associated NCDs, is largely preventable by avoiding the main risk factors. It is of paramount importance to maintain a healthy lifestyle by consuming sufficient vegetables, fruit, fiber and water, avoiding excessive use of fat and sugar, avoiding alcohol and tobacco use, and getting enough exercise and rest. Also avoiding stressful situations that can affect mental health.

In connection with this awareness day, the Ministry of Health has developed a video about obesity, which can be followed on the Facebook pages of the Ministry and the Bureau of Public Health, BOG.

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