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Prostate Cancer Detection with Robotic Technology


JAKARTA – Menurut data Global Burden of Cancer Study (GLOBOCAN) 2018, prostate cancer ranks third (13.5%) of the top ten cancers worldwide in men. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men after lung cancer.

According to Basic Health Research data (Riskesdas), in 2013 it is estimated that there are around 25,012 people with prostate cancer in Indonesia (0.2%). However, most patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage because of this early detection prostate cancer cases are not optimal in Indonesia. (Also Read: Bayer and YKI Community Forum to Report Drug Side Effects)

Robotic prostate biopsy technology can improve the accuracy of surgery and increase the detection rate of clinically significant prostate cancer diagnosis. This technology allows the removal of tissue in the prostate (gland in men) due to indications of suspicion of malignancy.

Specialist Urology RSUI dr. Dyandra Parikesit, BMedSc, Sp.U explained that the advantage of using robotic tools to treat prostate cancer is the higher level of accuracy than without using the tool.

“Because it can combine MRI data (magnetic resonance imaging) as well as ultrasound (ultrasonography) to determine the lesion (area) that is suspected of being cancer cells and focus on biopsy the lesion, ”he explained.

Not only does it improve the accuracy of sampling at locations where prostate cancer cells are located, by using this technology, the time to perform a biopsy can also be done shorter, which is about 30-45 minutes.

Until now the cause of its emergence prostate cancer still unknown. However, heredity and age can increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer may be asymptomatic in its early stages. Symptoms of prostate cancer will appear when the prostate is too large or swollen and starts affecting the urethra. Some of the symptoms include urinating more frequently, especially at night, feeling painful during BAK, feeling that the bladder is always full, the presence of blood in the urine or semen, and reduced pressure when passing urine.

Generally a sign as well symptoms Prostate cancer will appear when the cancer has spread beyond the prostate. But, the symptoms above is not always caused by prostate cancer. The above conditions can be caused by urinary tract infections. (Read Also: Study: The COVID-19 Pandemic Makes People Addicted to the Internet)

In general, men who need to be tested for PSA are those over 45 years old or 40 years old if they have a family member with prostate malignancy.


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