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Princess Amalia obtains a hunting license and is allowed to hunt just like King Willem-Alexander | NOW

Princess Amalia has obtained her hunting license. The Government Information Service (RVD) confirms this on Monday after reporting from Show news† The RVD did not provide any further explanation.

Amalia already reported in her book published earlier this year that she wanted to obtain her hunting license. She previously obtained her hunting diploma. She said she did this at the insistence of her father, King Willem-Alexander. He also has a hunting license and hunts regularly.

In her book, Amalia said that the deed “is not immediately intended to go hunting, but mainly serves as preparation for the future management of the Het Loo crown domain in Apeldoorn”.

Strict criteria have been drawn up for obtaining a hunting license. For example, a future hunter must have sufficient land to hunt, have the option to obtain a weapon and be in possession of a good weapon safe. The application and issuance of a hunting certificate go through the police department chief of police in the region where a future hunter lives.

Hunting within the royal family is a sensitive subject. There is much criticism of the fact that King Willem-Alexander closes the Het Loo crown domain for several months a year in order to be able to hunt there, while he does receive a subsidy to maintain the park.

The Party for the Animals previously asked questions about the crown princess’s intention to go hunting.

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