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Police suspected of corruption arrested after information from EncroChat | NOW

A 37-year-old police officer of the Eastern Netherlands unit was arrested on Tuesday by the National Criminal Investigation Department because he allegedly leaked information to criminals. The man would have emerged from an investigation into intercepted messages from criminals via EncroChat, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) reports Friday.

The policeman is said to have leaked information from the police systems to criminals, presumably for payment. The official suspicion is corruption, violation of his confidentiality obligation and computer hacking.

The man was interrogated after his arrest and brought before the examining magistrate at the court in Zwolle on Friday. He extended the detention by two weeks.

The encrypted communication service EncroChat was used by criminals to communicate with each other in secret. However, the Ministry of Justice managed to crack the program in the spring of 2020, which meant that the messages that criminals sent each other could be read for months on end.

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