The Feebles, Peter Jackson’s second film, can be seen as an unhealthy parody of the Muppet Show and a satire of the world of show business. Always mastered and referenced, return to the filmography of the New Zealand director on the occasion of the upcoming 4k release of his first four films.

The Feebles is another dirty brat fun for Peter Jackson after the awful and nasty Bad button , a project born out of his frustration at not being able to edit what will be his third film, Braindead. The director shows a clear will with his puppet film; Make the viewer nauseous and “Show what was really going on behind the scenes between Peggy the slut and Kermit the frog”. An entire program.

At the crossroads of genres, between film noir and showbiz satire, The Feebles marked by its mastery and bad taste displayed and claimed. The puppets of the film Peter Jackson are as greedy and repulsive as the ridiculousness of its aliens to Bad button and that’s what makes the film so enjoyable. We never get attached to these beings steeped in vice, corrupted by drugs, sex, money and fame. Peter Jackson portrayed through this disreputable gallery of characters all that could be worse behind the magic of cameras and glitter; From the greedy producer of drugs and money to the journalist who feeds on excrement (it’s a fly), all the sliders are pushed to the maximum to make Feebles such a jubilant satire.

Live ammunition satire

© WingNut Films

There is however in The Feebles a real ambition. In addition to the mastery of his story, the New Zealand director pays a homage that is still as loving and ultra-referenced to the cinema by even allowing himself a very successful nod to the Journey to the end of hell of Michael Cimino. Peter Jackson, by refusing nothing, displaying his genius in scenes specific to the gangster film mixed with crazy musical comedy numbers, the director turns everything he touches into gold which quickly allows his film to rise to the beyond simple vulgar and unsavory satire.

The ambition of Feebles thus perfectly illustrates the love that Peter Jackson for his project and for the cinema itself, of which he delivers here a tribute as loving as trash. From this film born out of frustration, Peter Jackson has made of it a real engine so that turns and splashes, beyond the jets of insults, excrements and blood, the sincere love which he carries to the seventh art.

Les Feebles is available in DVD before a release in 4k without date announced for the moment.

Review written by Kantain.

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Awful, dirty and cult