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Parties – Freiburg im Breisgau – “Red-mouthed live longer”: SPD wants to drive coalition – politics

Freiburg (dpa / lsw) – The south-west SPD wants to drive the green-black state government in front of it with a tailwind from Berlin. The Green Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann will already notice that after the state elections he has bet on the “wrong steamship” with the new edition of the green-black alliance, said regional chief Andreas Stoch in front of 500 members on Saturday in Freiburg. The traffic light from the Greens, SPD and FDP in Baden-Württemberg only failed because of “personal feelings from Mr. Kretschmann and his fear of a real departure”. After the success in the federal elections, the SPD can again be expected more and more in the country: “We’re back.”

Stoch calls CDU “world champion in braking”

The planned traffic light coalition in the federal government under the leadership of Olaf Scholz will advance the modernization of the country “as a progress alliance”. Even if Kretschmann’s heart beats for the CDU, it is just the case that the Greens will in future co-rule in a traffic light in the federal government. “It will be more and more difficult for the Kretschmann government to stubbornly ignore the impulses.” The Union is a “political obsolete model” and “world champion in braking”.

In Baden-Württemberg there is no progress with green-black, a traffic light would have been the better alternative. “There is no trace of a restart,” complained Stoch. He cannot get rid of the suspicion that the CDU has signed the coalition agreement because it knows: “The Greens are great at formulating goals, but extremely weak in achieving them.” Green-black is certainly not a “blueprint” for the federal government, as Kretschmann put it. “Baden-Wuerttemberg is not a blueprint for the federal government, it is in the barn.” There is no progress in education or in the energy transition. The pressure from Berlin will increase in both areas.

The SPD sees itself again almost at eye level with Kretschmann’s Greens

Stoch admitted that the SPD could not be satisfied with the eleven percent in the state elections in March. But it shows: “If we have a tailwind from Berlin, then it will be easier for us in the country too.” Since the federal election, the state SPD has “not only had a mild breeze in its back”. In surveys, the social democrats in the country are ahead of the CDU or on a par and almost on a par with the Greens. “We have a chance in Baden-Württemberg.” However, you will have to work hard until the state election in 2026. Stefan Fulst-Blei, member of the state parliament from Mannheim, said: “Those who speak red live longer.” The SPD has the chance of “a jolt”, but only if you no longer argue in public.

Esken warns: Avoid “old mistakes”

Stoch and the SPD leader Saskia Esken also emphasized that the success in the Bundestag election was also a result of the party’s unity. Esken demanded that the party avoid “old mistakes”. At the CDU you can watch “how you lose yourself”. She called for criticism of the exploratory paper by the SPD, Greens and FDP in the federal government not to irritate you. “Anyone who says that this is a yellow exploratory paper should take a look at what has been clearly agreed upon.” The traffic lights will be on Nicholas.

In the election, the Southwest SPD achieved a significantly better result than in the state elections, thanks in part to the popular candidate for Chancellor Olaf Scholz. It landed with 21.6 percent behind the weakened CDU (24.8 percent) in second place. The Greens came to 17.2 percent.

Jusos complain: SPD unpopular with young people

Many speakers began their contributions in the general debate with the words: “Who would have thought that half a year ago?” At that time, the SPD was below 15 percent in surveys. But now the party has the “great opportunity” to shape it. A number of speakers from the SPD youth poured water into the wine. The Juso regional head Lara Herter complained that only eleven percent of the first-time voters voted for the SPD in the federal election. “We don’t like that at all.” The party must become much more attractive for people under 30 years of age. More students should benefit from student loans again. Starting a career must be made easier. The SPD must also proceed more consistently when it comes to climate protection.

The Südwest-SPD spoke out clearly in favor of social diversity. After an emotional debate, the party congress unanimously approved a motion to support queer people who were virtually overlooked in the corona pandemic. “Queer people were often simply not considered and not included. That has to change.” Steps must also be taken to combat discrimination and violence directed against people who have a different sexual orientation than heterosexuals.

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