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Netflix confirms its commitment to the reality TV genre in Spain

Although Netflix’s star content is fiction, whether in series or film format, the platform seems determined to explore new territories. In a growing trend for streaming services to offer a varied offer in terms of genres, such as traditional television, Netflix unveiled several reality shows in its last presentation to the media of its contents for the next few months. And in this foray into the world of realities There will be two faces known as Mónica Naranjo and Georgina Rodríguez.

Specifically, the Catalan artist will conduct Love with surety , in which the relationship and trust of six couples will be tested in an exotic location. Although all participants will claim to have an honest relationship, they will have to prove it. During the program, all the lies or the truths that the contestants are telling will be discovered, since they will be subjected to modern technology that captures the lies through the eyes. The couples who tell the most lies will be eliminated, and only one couple will win the final prize.

Georgina Rodriguez will give details of her life and her day to day in a new netflix space


Other reality Netflix on the go will star the model, businesswoman and dancer Georgina Rodríguez, popular for being the partner of soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo and for his role as an influencer, with 24 million followers on Instagram. According to the platform, this program will live Georgina’s day-to-day life, who will reveal different aspects of her life, from the most public to the most personal.

These two reality shows are in addition to the one already announced Insiders , the platform’s first reality show that is already in the ‘casting’ phase, although potential participants do not yet know what they will face, only that they can win one hundred thousand euros.

The platform announces three new series starring Alberto Ammann, Itziar Ituño and Megan Montaner

Netflix also advanced in this telematic meeting the production of three new Spanish series. The first one is Baruca , a six-episode action series set in a psychiatric prison, in which a group of armed men try to enter one night to capture Simón Lago, a dangerous serial killer. If the guards turn him over, the assault will be over in a matter of minutes. But the prison director refuses to obey and prepares to resist the attack with the only help of a few officials and the psychiatric inmates themselves. Starring Alberto Ammann and Luis Callejo and created by Víctor Sierra and Xosé Morais.

Another novelty is Privacy , which will begin filming in Bilbao at the end of May, a dramatic series created by Verónica Fernández and Laura Sarmiento, which revolves around a sex video of a politician with a promising future that is leaked to the press and the repercussions it will have on the lives of four women who are played by Itziar Ituño, Patricia López Arnaiz, Emma Suárez and Verónica Echegui.

The third is an adaptation of a Turkish series, If I had known it (If only) , directed by Irma Correa and starring Megan Montaner, about a 30-year-old woman disappointed in her marriage and family life who finds the opportunity to travel back in time to change her life.

Fran Perea will appear in the second season of 'The neighbor'

Fran Perea will appear in the second season of ‘The neighbor’


Netflix also released the release dates for the second season of The neighbor , on May 21, with the incorporation of Fran Perea to the cast playing himself, along with Quim Gutiérrez and Clara Lago; and the documentary film on the Wanninkhof-Carabantes case, directed by Tania Balló, which will hit the platform on June 23. Netflix is ​​also filming a new series by Mexican Manolo Caro, Once upon a time … but not anymore , starring Sebastián Yatra, Rossy de Palma and Asier Etxeandia, among others.

Two films in the making

Netflix has also announced that it has two films in the filming phase. The first is an adaptation of the novel by Ariana Godoy Through my window, a great success of youth literature that became popular through the Wattpad application that has Marçal Forés as director. It tells the story of Raquel, who aims to make Ares, her attractive and mysterious neighbor, fall in love with her but without losing everything along the way. And the second is a comedy by Cristóbal Garrido and Adolfo Valor ( I leave it when I want, Kings of the night), entitled Are you, with a 16-year-old protagonist who, before his first kiss, discovers that he has the power to see clearly his entire future with that couple. The story gets complicated when on a night out he kisses his best friend’s girlfriend.

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