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nationality and reparation for the grandchildren of Franco’s exiles

The new “law on democratic memory” adopted in late October in Spain allows descendants of Franco’s opponents, who fled their country, to apply for Spanish citizenship. Several hundred thousand people are affected in Occitania.

They were born in France, but their parents or grandparents fled Spain between 1936 and 1975. All these descendants of exiles can now apply for Spanish citizenship. A further step in the recognition of the crimes of Francoism.

Thousands of people fled their country during Spain’s dark years. Mainly in Latin America and France. “During the Retirada, for the year 1939 alone, more than 500,000 people passed through the Argelès-sur-Mer camp, explains Olga Arcos, a specialist of this period. The place has now become a memorial and some people are rediscovering their family history here.”

“They lost everything: their job, their property, their friendships, their family. But time passed and they prevailed: today’s Spain is very similar to the one they defended”said the Spanish Minister of Democratic Memory, Félix Bolaños, on a November 4 visit to Montauban, the city that had hosted the Spanish government in exile during the war.

Because this law, adopted by the Spanish government at the end of October, goes further. It not only allows the descendants of exiles to take the nationality of their ancestors, but also to seek reparation from the Spanish courts for crimes committed under Franco.

Already 376,000 nationalities granted

Already in 2007, a first text, the “historical memory law” passed by the socialist government of José Luis Zapatero, had opened up the possibility for exiles and their children to obtain nationality. It was necessary to apply before 2011. At the time, nearly 490,000 applications had been filed, mainly from South Americans, but only 376,000 favorable responses.

It is estimated that almost two million Spaniards fled the dictatorship between 1936 and 1978. Today their grandchildren, and no longer just their children, can claim Spanish citizenship. They would number around 400,000 in France, including a good number in Occitania: “My parents told me at the Spanish consulate, story Olga Arcos. So I already have the nationality. But if not, I would ask. because my family fought against a coup d’état, and today justice must restore dignity to these Spanish exiles».

To find out what steps to take, the grandchildren of exiles and women who have lost their citizenship after marriage should contact their consulate of residence.

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