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Myths About Caffeine You Shouldn’t Believe

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, and some fizzy drinks are enjoyed by the people. There are also drinks with rates caffeine higher are labeled as energy drinks.


Kafein adalah zat alami yang dapat ditemukan di daun, biji, dan buah dari lebih dari 63 spesies tanaman di seluruh dunia. Kafein bertindak sebagai stimulan untuk menunda kelelahan sementara, yang juga dapat menyebabkan insomnia pada orang yang rentan. Selain itu, kafein terbukti bertindak sebagai diuretik ringan yang membuat Anda sering buang air.

Meskipun banyak penelitian ekstensif tentang kafein, ada banyak kesalahpahaman soal kafein. Berikut enam mitos tentang kafein yang sebaiknya tak dipercaya, dilansir dari Times of India.


Bikin kecanduan
Anda pasti sudah sering mendengar orang mengaku kecanduan kafein. Namun, menurut para ahli, kafein tidak membuat ketagihan. Ketika konsumsi kafein tiba-tiba dihentikan, beberapa orang mungkin mengalami sakit kepala, kelelahan, dan mengantuk. Gejala-gejala ini biasanya berlangsung maksimal selama sehari dan dapat dikelola dengan mudah dengan mengurangi asupan kafein secara bertahap.

Increases the risk of heart failure
Several large-scale studies have shown caffeine consumption does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and has no negative effect on cholesterol or heart rate. Slight increases in blood pressure have been associated with caffeine consumption in people who are sensitive to caffeine. This increase is similar to that resulting from normal activities, such as climbing stairs. However, people suffering from high blood pressure should consult a doctor about caffeine intake.

Cause cancer
There is sufficient scientific evidence that caffeine does not increase the risk of cancer. Two large-scale studies in Norway and Hawaii on more than 20,000 people found no association between drinking coffee or tea regularly and cancer risk.

Increase the risk of osteoporosis
There are studies that show caffeine intake can increase calcium loss in the urine. However, any loss has been found to be minimal and limiting caffeine does not appear to affect calcium balance or bone density. More and more studies have confirmed caffeine intake is not a risk factor for osteoporosis.

Not for women trying to get pregnant or getting pregnant
Research has looked at the effects of drinks containing caffeine on reproductive factors. Studies show caffeine consumption tends to be safe for pregnant women and fetuses. There is no strong evidence to find an association between caffeine intake and the ability to get pregnant. Two large studies conducted in the United States found no correlation between caffeine consumption and pregnancy outcomes or birth defects. However, pregnant women should be careful about consuming caffeine in moderation (300mg or less per day).

Bad impact on children’s health
Research shows foods and drinks that contain caffeine when consumed in moderation have no detectable effect on children or hypertension. Even in sensitive children, high doses of caffeine can cause temporary effects, such as irritability, excitability, or anxiety.

Also read: Not Milk Coffee, Start the Day with Black Coffee

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