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“Murder”: Yuri Stoyanov told why Gorodok was closed

Olga Novikova

60 minutes ago

In the 90s, it was impossible to survive without self-irony

Who does not remember the satirical program of the 90s “Gorodok”. It had been shown since 1993, and was closed in 2012. It was a cozy humor about the life of Russians. We saw ourselves in the heroes, and laughed at ourselves, or were sad. Due to the project, remarkable artists Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov gained fame.

Why did the project leave the TV screens? Many viewers are asking this question. Yuri Stoyanov knows the answer. According to him, the “murder” of the project was the introduction of a new law (an unspoken rule) that came into force in the 2000s. It was decided to reduce the time of credits to 15 seconds. As we remember, a feature of the program was a sad thematic composition performed by Varum. Thanks to this hit, the Russians fell into a nostalgic atmosphere. It seems that every resident of a provincial town remembered the good childhood years. In honor of this program, even the city print media were named. The song “Gorodok” is an integral symbol of the era of the 90s.

Initially, several verses of the song sounded in the credits, but then the time was reduced to a couple of lines. According to Stoyanov, the program has lost its flavor.

Over the entire existence of the show, Stoyanov tried on 6000 images. he played both women and men. Most of all he likes his roles in the 90s. Stoyanov recalls that in this era everyone laughed at themselves just to survive. There was a very symbolic episode filmed in the late 90s. The hero of Stoyanov passed by the temple and tried to call from his mobile, but the number was blocked. Nearby were beggars who begged for alms. The hero gave the phone to one, the clothes to another, and the rest of the money to the third, and then he himself stood in the row of beggars. It was a kind of afterword, which made it possible not just to laugh, but to think about life.

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