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More than half of Poles want to close the border with Belarus

The market and public opinion research agency SW Research conducted a survey for the Rzeczpospolita portal, in which it asked the opinion of the Poles on the closure of the border with Belarus. Reform.by analyzed their results.

“In your opinion, should Poland close all crossings on the Polish border with Belarus?” This question was asked to the survey participants.

54.1% of respondents answered in the affirmative. The answer “no” was given by 28.4%. 17.5% have no opinion on this issue.

“6 out of 10 respondents aged 25 to 34 and a slightly smaller proportion (57%) of respondents with secondary education believe that the border crossings between Poland and Belarus should be closed. More than 6 out of 10 respondents (63%) from cities with a population of 100,000 to 199,000 people and the same proportion of respondents (62%) with an income of 4,001 to 5,000 PLN net believe that Poland should close all border crossings with Belarus”, – Adam Yastrzhenbsky, Senior Project Manager at SW Research, commented on the results.

The survey was conducted among users of the SW Panel online panel from February 28 to March 1. The analysis covered a group of 800 Internet users over 18 years of age. The sample was selected on the basis of random quotas.

After the announcement of the verdict to journalist Andrei Poczobut, Poland suspended the operation of the Bobrovniki checkpoint. And in response to new unfriendly steps on the part of Belarus, since February 21, it has restricted the movement of Belarusian trucks through the Kukuriki-Kozlovichi border crossing.

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