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Millions in compensation: “Hush money” for airport expansion in Leipzig?

24.05.2022 05:42 20.109

Millions in compensation: “Hush money” for airport expansion?

The communities affected by the expansion of Leipzig Airport are to receive compensation payments. A citizens’ initiative spoke of hush money.

The site of Leipzig/Halle Airport is to be expanded for 500 million euros – primarily for freight purposes. © Leipzig/Halle Airport GmbH/Uwe Schoßig

Total is after LVZ-Information of 40 million euros of the speech.

The citizens’ initiative “Against the new flight route” spoke of “silence money” and criticized the fact that the message had leaked out during the ongoing objection proceedings.

Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG (MFAG) wants to invest 500 million euros in modernization and expansion – mainly because of the increasing volume of freight (2021: plus 15 percent). The majority owner of Flughafen AG, which also operates Dresden Airport, is the Free State of Saxony with 77 percent.

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The state government made up of the CDU, Greens and SPD had actually agreed in the coalition agreement to reduce aircraft noise.

Gerhard Liebscher (67), transport policy spokesman for the Greens parliamentary group, criticized the payments and called for beneficiaries such as DHL and Amazon to share in the burden.

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