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Method that facilitates the detection of pancreatic cancer through artificial intelligence

With information from: News Medical Life Sciences
Latin Agency for News Medicine and Public Health

Artificial intelligence is a very important tool as it has made it possible to facilitate many procedures and interventions and can now be used for cancer detection

Cancer is one of the diseases that most attacks the world population, its mortality rates are very high, as well as the prognosis and detection methods have only had some improvements in previous years. Pancreatic cancer is a very strange type of disease and there are almost no cases of it, its treatments have a high cost, which makes it impossible to access quickly and easily.

Cancer detection is very important because it allows you to act quickly and effectively, it is important that this procedure be done in those people who do not have symptoms related to the disease, it is also done with the objective that the patient has a greater probability of survival.

It is important that the detection of pancreatic cancer is done in a specific population that has a high risk of contracting it, since it is a disease with a very low prevalence as mentioned above. The relationship established with biomarkers is very important since they will be able to select exactly and will carry out a selective detection of those patients who have a high probability of contracting this cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms and Their Detection

In order to carry out an exact detection of the disease, a generalized registry of those people who have had symptoms and who have subsequently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is necessary.

“We include most of the things you would expect to see, such as abdominal pain, back pain, anemia, weight loss, diabetes and jaundice, as well as a few others that may not be so obvious, such as insomnia, fatigue, depression,” clarified the doctor. Ananya Malhotra Research Fellow at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Artificial Intelligence to detect disease

Patients suffering from pancreatic cancer are diagnosed very late, when it has developed or when it is very advanced, the common symptoms are not related to an increased risk of prostate cancer, but unusual ones, in combination with those already know, they can increase the risk of disease.

The specialists have used artificial intelligence in order to be able to identify this combination, the machine returns the data depending on the information that the specialists provide, it is much more effective since this technology produces more exact and precise figures.

Findings and results

In the testing process they found that, in those under 60, the model could predict the presence of pancreatic cancer even up to 20 months before a diagnosis.

It has been shown that artificial intelligence is a great tool that anticipates the appearance of cancer and its possible development, which drastically reduces mortality rates and can help people to be treated beforehand to increase their survival, without However, the range of specificity is low and this is due to the fact that many patients share symptoms, so it is important that this method can be applied in the general population, so that its detection will be broader and that it can identify the disease regardless of the various symptoms.

It is important that the technology is being implemented in medicine in order to help the population that is suffering from a chronic disease such as cancer, likewise it should be noted that the intensification of these studies is important in order that the artificial intelligence is part of standard treatments in oncology.

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