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Mayo Diet Menu Recommendations and the Right Way to Run It

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Mayo diet has become an alternative trend of maintaining a diet in recent years. Menu diet Mayo, which was developed by the Mayo Clinic, is a diet choice for those of you who want to lose or maintain weight.

The principle of this diet is to change the habits of a person who tends to eat carelessly. The mayo diet is done so that someone is avoided obesity.

This diet method that focuses on changing dietary consumption patterns, has a variety of menu choices, from breakfast, lunch to dinner. Each menu has a different portion and composition. However, every diet should not contain sugar and salt.

As reported HealthlineStudies have shown that a diet with fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. The mayo diet is an effective diet recommendation for maintaining health.

Mayo Diet Rules

Some things you should pay attention to when deciding to go on the mayo diet, the following include:

1. Make it a habit not to skip breakfast
2. Avoid foods that contain excess sugar
3. Avoid eating snacks, except for fruits and vegetables
4. Reduce consumption of meat and fatty milk
5. Avoid eating out, unless in accordance with the composition of the mayo diet
6. Avoid alcohol consumption
7. Avoid using oils with bad fats, and use olive oil instead.

Vegetables and fruits are recommended snacks when running on the mayo diet. (morgueFile / MaxStraeten)-

Mayo Diet Menu for 3 Days

After learning what foods are good for the mayo diet, here are some recommendations for the mayo diet menu:

1st Mayo Diet Menu

Breakfast menu: 68 grams of oatmeal, 1 apple, a glass of black coffee or tea without sugar.

Lunch menu: 472 grams of vegetables, 85 grams of tuna, 43 grams of grated low-fat cheese, 1 piece of whole wheat bread with 7 grams of margarine. For additional fruit, you can consume 75 grams of blueberries.

Dinner menu: 85 grams of tilapia cooked with olive oil, 75 grams of baked potatoes, and 75 grams of cabbage.

Eat lightly: 1 orange, 125 grams of carrots, and 8 whole wheat crackers.

2nd Mayo Diet Menu

Breakfast Menu: 1 slice of whole wheat bread, 7 grams of margarine, 3 egg whites, 1 pear, a glass of black coffee or tea without sugar.

Lunch: 85 grams of skinless roasted chicken, 180 grams of steamed asparagus, and 170 grams of low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: 85 grams of shrimp, 75 grams of brown rice, and 150 grams of broccoli.

Light Eating: Half a banana.

oatmeal illustrationOatmeal is one of the foods that are included in the mayo diet menu recommendations. (Istockphoto / Arx0nt)-

3rd menu

Breakfast Menu: 30 grams of powdered wheat plus 1 glass of low-fat milk, half a banana, and a glass of black coffee.

Lunch: 1 slice of whole wheat bread with 800 grams of chicken slices, 7 grams of margarine, and fruit.

Dinner: 100 grams of cooked oats, 120 grams of low-fat tomato sauce, 85 grams of roasted chicken breast, and 58 grams of green beans cooked in olive oil.

Snack: 1 pear and 10 cherries.

Illustration of whole wheat breadIllustration: Whole wheat bread can be a carbohydrate choice in the mayo diet menu (Photo: Pixabay / circulation)-

Diet May Phase

Launch Mayoclinic, the mayo diet has 2 phases that will be felt by those of you who started this diet:

1. Phase Lose It

This phase lasts for 2 weeks. This phase is designed to speed up weight loss. You can lose 2 to 4.5 pounds over 2 weeks.

In this phase, you are focused on a lifestyle related to weight. You learn how to do healthy habits. You also learn to stop unhealthy habits such as consuming excess sugary foods.

Avoid alcoholic drinks and reduce consumption of fatty foods. This phase helps you get quick results, and you can start practicing important habits in the next phase.

2. Phase Live It

This phase is the phase where you are given the awareness to be more active in choosing food, and to be active in exercising. You should also think about portion sizes of food, and avoid foods that are forbidden to eat. This phase can help maintain your weight permanently.

In this phase, you have a goal of losing 0.5-1 kilograms of weight in a week. We recommend that you motivate yourself to remain stable and maintain the habit of consuming the mayo diet menu.

In this phase, you are allowed to consume sweet and fatty foods, but with proportional consumption.

Female hand pours a smoothie of banana and spinach in glass on a wooden tableIllustration: Fruits and vegetables are important components in the mayo diet menu (Photo: iStockphoto / iprogressman)-

Increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruit is the key word in the mayo diet. However, please note that the natural sugar content in fruit can affect your carbohydrate intake and lead to increased blood sugar.

The habit of consuming sugar is important for diabetics to know. For this case, you should consult a doctor, or adjust the mayo diet menu by increasing the consumption of vegetables rather than fruit.

For those of you who are in prime condition, you don’t need to worry, because blood sugar will adjust as your weight decreases.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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