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M Lookmum complains that he is just a celebrity’s son but is constantly berated. After seeing the worst comments

“Shouldn’t have been married and had children. Live with your father, it’s up to you to grow up. can’t be a mother Looking for a job, looking for a child who looks like that. When you study abroad, you don’t know what they are your thoughts, watch it and make a clip.What are you doing here, what are you thinking?

which M Topaz vented her feelings in her heart by writing a long caption along with a back stroke until the face says

“Why is the social world so vast that it narrows people’s minds? How can you make a mean comment to someone you don’t know like that? Maybe it’s not a trash can that you throw out something you don’t know and hope so. put up with him because he was known as a star and an internet idol. Be an influencer. Scold him harshly and force him not to respond. If he did respond, he would say he was impatient….

Some might say Don’t make these comments, don’t think too much, it doesn’t matter… but whoever isn’t hit, will never understand how deep it is. Some people reading this may not feel harsh or hurt anything with the message that Em Pose. because I was not hit by myself

This comment… insulting the duty of being a child, insulting the duty of motherhood, insulting love, insulting education, underestimating careers in many things.

M Lookmum complains that he is just a celebrity's son but is constantly berated.  After seeing the worst comments
Mom Jokmok and her daughter

Throughout M’s life, even if he wasn’t a star, Being just the son of a celebrity is being scolded all the time. If you are a child, you scold. If you are an Isaan child, you scold. Clothes. You comb your hair. If you study abroad, scold. Go back to work with your father Saying that Ma Ma cursed, called her he father dad, cursed Having children, swearing Shooting a video with my father, swearing.
I’m just cursing

Why is being yourself so hard? Sometimes I’m tired. Remember, you don’t have to think for my child. whether i can be a good mother or not because i am the best mother of my children!! I’m not your mother…. and I act like the best daughter for my father!! You are not my father.

PS.M. Thanks to those who protect M. Jumping into the ball when encountering negative comments take care of the mind continue to love, continue to admire M is moved by the sweetness and thanks to M’s lovely fans.”

M Lookmum complains that he is just a celebrity's son but is constantly berated.  After seeing the worst comments
M Lookmum complains that he is just a celebrity's son but is constantly berated.  After seeing the worst comments
M Lookmum complains that he is just a celebrity's son but is constantly berated.  After seeing the worst comments
M Topaz

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