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Gálvez claims to the TEPJF that there isn’t a “even ground”

Mexico Metropolis. The candidate of the PAN, PRI and PRD coalition, They advised him that after this course of they may promote electoral reform.

With 19 days till election day, the usual bearer of Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México complained that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador continues to intervene “overtly” within the elections “in favor of his candidate.”

“There isn’t any degree enjoying discipline, we advised the magistrates that there isn’t a degree enjoying discipline they usually recommend that we suggest an electoral reform after this course of, however why now,” he questioned.

The opposition customary bearer met with 4 of the 5 judges of the Superior Chamber, accompanied by the nationwide leaders of the political events that nominated her, who additionally introduced the chance maps that these political forces ready, with a purpose to put larger take note of sections with the very best chance of violence.

Gálvez commented that it was an fascinating assembly, wherein they introduced a problem for the failure of the Nationwide Electoral Institute (INE) in issues of violence as a result of it didn’t act in 2021 in Michoacán and Tamaulipas, when the TEPJF ordered it and “they haven’t taken measures”.

#Gálvez #claims #TEPJF #ground
– 2024-05-15 23:21:57

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