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Lower blood sugar! This fruit juice is good for diabetics

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Diabetics should consume enough fiber to manage blood sugar levels. This juice is safe for consumption by diabetics.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the common diseases suffered by the people of the country.

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Diabetes mellitus can trigger disease complications if not treated immediately.

Citing Kompas.com, diabetes mellitus is caused because glucose cannot be absorbed by the body’s cells, resulting in a buildup.

If left unchecked, diabetes mellitus can increase the risk of developing complications.

Diabetes mellitus is triggered by a number of factors such as an unhealthy lifestyle, family history, suffering from high blood pressure, and low levels of good cholesterol.

For those of you who suffer from diabetes mellitus there are many ways to treat it. First, you can run a healthy lifestyle to control blood sugar in the body.

Second, you can take medicine from a doctor when diabetes mellitus is relapsing. Third, you can drink herbal medicine ingredients to lower blood sugar levels.

Another option, you can eat fruits that are high in fiber and low in sugar to treat diabetes mellitus.

Fruit juices lower blood sugar

Consumption of fruit is a solution for diabetics who are reluctant to take medicine from a doctor.

Just so you know, there are some good fruits consumed by diabetics. Because, the content in the fruit can control and lower blood sugar levels.

Instead of being consumed directly, you can consume these fruits by processing them into juice.

The following fresh fruit juices are effective in treating diabetes mellitus as well as lowering high blood pressure.

1. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple has many health benefits. Not only that, pineapple can also be a herbal remedy for diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure.

Citing the book Miracle Juices Fighting Diabetes and Hypertension, by Desty Ervira P, S, Gz, MPH, pineapple contains bromelain which acts as a preventative for diabetes complications.

Launching from Healthline, pineapple is rich in fiber, minerals, and low in sugar so it is good for consumption by people with diabetes mellitus.

Not only that, pineapple also contains potassium which plays a role in controlling blood pressure in the body.

Instead of consuming it directly, you can process pineapple into a fresh and delicious juice.

Here’s an effective pineapple juice recipe for diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure.

You prepare 75 grams of ripe pineapple and 100 ml of boiled water. You wash the pineapple flesh and cut it into small pieces. After that, you put the pineapple flesh and water in the blender.

You drink pineapple juice immediately. You can add a little ice to the pineapple juice for a fresher taste.

2. Orange juice

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C which is useful for increasing endurance.

Citrus fruits also contain saponins and flavonoids. Quoting from a book entitled Miracle Juices to Fight Diabetes and Hypertension by Desti Ervira PSGz.MPH, the content of saponins and flavonoids in citrus fruits can help lower blood sugar levels.

Besides being able to be consumed directly, you can process citrus fruits into fresh fruit juice.

Here’s a recipe for making orange juice that is effective in treating diabetes mellitus.

  • 100 grams of sweet orange
  • Boiled water 100 ml

You remove the seeds in the sweet orange. After that, you put the oranges and boiled water in the blender.

You should drink citrus fruit juice immediately. If you want it fresher you can add ice in the orange juice.

3. Kiwi juice

Kiwi is a fruit that is good for people with diabetes mellitus. Kiwi fruit contains iron, folic acid, calcium, vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants.

This content is believed to be able to slow down the rate of glucose absorption in the body.

Instead of being consumed directly, you can consume kiwi by processing it into juice.

Kiwi juice is not only useful for therapy to treat diabetes mellitus but can also reduce high blood pressure.

Here are the ingredients and how to make kiwi juice which is useful as a medicine for diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure,


  • Kiwi 75 gram
  • Boiled water 125 ml

How to make

You wash and peel the kiwi. After that you put the kiwi and water into the blender. Once mixed and smooth, you drink the kiwi juice immediately.

4. Dragon fruit juice

Quoting from the book entitled The Powerful Benefits of Dragon Fruit and Pomegranate by Dani Hendarto, white dragon fruit contains protein, high fiber, carotene, calcium, iron, vitamin B, and vitamin C.

Because of that content, dragon fruit has the property of balancing blood sugar, improving digestion, curing rheumatism and gout, and lowering cholesterol levels.

Instead of being consumed directly, people with diabetes mellitus can process dragon fruit into juice. The following ingredients and how to make dragon fruit juice as a diabetes mellitus drug are quoted from a book entitled Conquer Diabetes With Juice Therapy.

You prepare 200 grams of dragon fruit and 200 ml of water. You blender dragon fruit with water until smooth. After that, you drink dragon fruit juice immediately.

You can consume one of the fruit juices above regularly. In order for sugar levels to fall quickly, you should start running a healthy lifestyle. Good luck.

Also Read: Here are 2 infused waters that can help lower and control blood sugar

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