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Loreen longs for eternal love. With the new “Forever” he continues his single stunt

The participants of this year’s Eurovision can thank God that Loreen did not compete this time. The Swedish performer published a new song on the eve of the final, with which her chances of a third triumph would climb very high. “Forever” amazes with all the attributes that fans of the 40-year-old artist have long since become accustomed to: there is a booming chorus (the essential part of which this time consists of a single word sent to the heavenly heights on the roller coaster of the singer’s expressive vocals) and the ethereal or perhaps fateful charge of the electronic background. Compared to the previous two tracks (the winning “Tattoo” and the Moroccan-scented “Is It Love?”), the new song is even more inclined towards the EDM genre, but the single does not lack soul and a unique expression. As part of the promotion, the song received a literally otherworldly visualiser, and on Saturday, May 11, it had its breathtaking premiere during the final night of Eurovision. You can watch both videos below. Czech fans can look forward to hearing Loreen live soon. In February of next year, he will perform at the Roxy club in Prague, tickets are already on sale.“;$(this).parent().parent().html(tmpo);return false;”>8/10
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