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List of 55 Measles Outbreaks in 12 Indonesian Provinces: West Sumatra Most

Jakarta, CNNIndonesia

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) said that as many as 31 provinces in Indonesia had reported thousands of case findings measles. 12 provinces of which have even declared Extraordinary Event status (KLB).

Acting Director of Immunization Management at the P2P Directorate General of the Ministry of Health Prima Yosephine added that the status of the outbreak was determined by the local government (Pemda) and not the national one. An area is declared an outbreak if there are at least two cases of measles that have been confirmed by laboratory tests.

“There were 55 outbreaks that occurred in 12 provinces or in 34 districts/cities that occurred throughout 2022, so it’s not all the time. Because the news circulating is as if we just had a mass and simultaneous outbreak of measles but how come it’s silent,” said Prima in a press conference, Friday (20/1).

Prima said that the outbreak of outbreak cases was rampant due to a decrease in immunization results during the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19). Thus, the Ministry of Health targets to further intensify the National Childhood Immunization Month (BIAN).

This BIAN series has been carried out so that Complete Basic Immunization (IDL) for children is fulfilled. In the future, according to him, the Ministry of Health will also carry out catch-up immunization in areas with increased cases of measles.

“If we compare it to the situation in 2021, there will be a significant increase in measles cases. Compared to 2021, the increase is 32 times,” said Prima.

Furthermore, the following details the findings of 55 cases of measles outbreaks in 12 Indonesian provinces.

Aceh Province

Bireuen Regency

West Sumatra Province

Tanah Datar District (two cases of measles)
Agam District (three cases of measles)
City of Bukittinggi (11 cases of measles)
Kota Pariaman (1st outbreak, two cases of measles)
Kota Pariaman (2nd outbreak, three cases of measles)
West Pasaman Regency (seven cases)
Solok Regency (two cases)
Padang City (four cases)
Agam District (2nd outbreak, three cases of measles)
Agam District (3rd outbreak, three measles)
Agam District (4th outbreak, 7 cases of measles)
Padang city (2nd outbreak, two cases of measles)
Padang city (3rd outbreak, two cases of measles)
Padang City (4th outbreak, two cases of measles)
Padang City (5th outbreak, two cases of measles)
Padang City (6th outbreak, two cases of measles)
Padang City (7th outbreak, two cases of measles)
Padang Pariaman (two cases)
Solok (2nd outbreak, two cases)
City of Sawahlunto (three cases)
Padang city (8th outbreak, two cases)
Padang Panjang City (1st outbreak, two cases)
Padang Panjang City (2nd outbreak, two cases)

North Sumatra Province

Central Tapanuli Regency (three cases)
Sibolga City (six cases)
Medan city (1st outbreak, three cases)
Medan city (2nd outbreak, five cases)
Medan city (3rd outbreak, two cases)
Medan city (4th outbreak, two cases)
Batu Bara District (two cases)
Serdang Bedagai District (two cases)

Riau Province

Pekanbaru City (five cases)
City of Dumai (1st outbreak, two cases)
City of Dumai (2nd outbreak, two cases)

Jambi Province

Bungo (five cases)
Tanjab Barat (five cases)

Banten Province

Lebak (three cases)
Attack (five cases)
City of Serang (three cases)
Pandeglang (1st outbreak, eight cases)
Pandeglang (2nd outbreak, 10 cases)
Pandeglang (3rd outbreak, two cases)
Attack (2nd Outbreak)
Attack (3rd Outbreak)

West Java province

Bogor (six cases)
West Bandung (two cases)

East Java Province


province of Central Java


North Kalimantan Province

Nunukan District

East Nusa Tenggara Province

East Sumba Regency (two cases)

Papua Province

Mimika Regency


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