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Covid 19, the ministry announces the timing of the vaccine release

Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri announces the timing of the vaccine. “I’m optimistic but realistic,” he says. Meanwhile, he invites everyone to respect the rules.

Pierpaolo Sileri, Deputy Minister of Health (photo from the web)

The Deputy Minister of Health is unbalanced on the timing of the vaccine. «I am optimistic but realistic, and I say that it will not be there before mid-2021.

In short, to defeat the virus once and for all it will still take several months, a time during which we will have to continue to comply with the containment measures.

“Normality will occur if the virus were to change into a form favorable to us, but with the numbers we have it will take time,” said Sileri. And he added “I believe that next year we will still need to protect ourselves”.

Concern remains for the weakest groups, who will have to continue to be protected. “Let’s not forget that this virus particularly affects the elderly and those who have pre-existing diseases, it is they who must protect as long as the virus circulates,” warned the deputy minister.

Then, when asked about the possibility of decreasing the days of quarantine, he proposed “seven days of isolation, then the swab.”

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Coronavirus, Sileri: “As long as the situation is this is under control”

Sileri Deputy Minister of Health Virus Phase 2 Serie A
Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri (photo from the web)

What will happen, however, with the reopening of schools? The issue is a burning one, and worries many parents who, amidst fears and hesitation, send their children back to institutions. In this regard, Sileri said that «the surveillance phase will be fundamental. I don’t think we will have a second wave like the one in February and March “and added that” The commitment of our National Health Service is low at the moment because the data is low, and as long as the situation is this it is under control “.

Therefore, to return to absolute normality you need to be patient and grit your teeth. Rather, the real problem is the climate of hatred widespread in our society: “I was terrified hearing a person interviewed about the use of a mask and vaccines to protect immunosuppressed people, this person said that in nature who has a problem it is left behind, it is a cultural problem. Obviously, politicians should be the first to set a good example from this point of view, ”said Sileri.

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Covid voting 19
Covid 19 votes (Getty Images)

And speaking of politicians, the doubt arises about the danger of contagion represented by the votes. Also on this point, Sileri expressed himself positively: «You go to vote safely, because you enter a protected environment with certain rules and personnel assigned to supervise. It will be much easier to check spacing, masks and sanitizing gel. The vote will proceed with extreme security and extreme normality. We are certainly in an emergency, because the pandemic is not over, but we distinguish the emergency from the current phase, which is more of an urgency: to try to control the outbreaks so that the emergency we experienced in the past does not restart from there “.

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