It was found that the ‘left turn response signal’, a real-time control method for smooth traffic flow in Seoul, was not functioning properly. Drivers’ dissatisfaction is growing because prompt measures are not taken even though they are often broken or the sensor is turned off.
The left turn response signal was introduced to facilitate traffic flow by eliminating meaningless straight-stops on roads with low traffic volume by giving a straight-ahead signal at an intersection with few vehicles and giving a left-turn signal only when a left-turning vehicle enters. In order to make a left turn at the place where the sensor is installed, the signal is activated only when the car steps on the blue square box drawn on the road.
As a result of coverage by Cookie News on the 12th, it was not difficult to find a left turn sensor that was not functioning properly in downtown Seoul. The left turn response signal installed at Shinpung Station, Mullae Xi Apartment, and Yongsan Lotte Castle was receiving a left turn signal even though no vehicle had entered. The left turn response signal at Sinpung Station received a left turn signal every 38 seconds, and the left turn signal at Mulrae Xi Apartment operated left turn signal every 51 seconds.
The problem is that there are many places where the left turn transducer is out of order, causing chaos in many places on the roads in Seoul, but the results of a complete enumeration investigation or maintenance status such as breakdown recovery are kept secret.
As of last May, there were 135 left turn transducers installed in Seoul, and it is not known at all how many transducers are broken or not operating. This is because the Seoul Metropolitan Government does not disclose all related budgets and operational status.
However, an official from Seoul City said, “Data is uploaded every second through the traffic signal operation system, and we check whether the response signal is disconnected or broken, and we are looking for the site with an abnormality every day.” It is being managed in a way that goes into repair work,” he explained.
However, in the case of the sensor for left turn at Sinpung Station found by Cookie News, the city of Seoul did not even know if it was out of order until the coverage. It is the position that it is confirmed through real-time monitoring, but the situation at the site is completely different.
The city of Seoul, which initially said that ‘the cause of the breakdown was damage to nature due to nearby construction’, later changed its words, saying, “After checking with the National Police Agency and the Korea Road Traffic Authority, the area in question was not disconnected, but was temporarily released from use.” When asked if there were any other areas where the left turn sensor was out of order, he said, “I cannot disclose it.” It is also difficult to disclose the installation cost, including labor costs.
If you look at the ‘2023 City Traffic Office Budget’ confirmed by Cookie News, the budget for left turn sensitivity detectors has increased more than twice this year compared to last year. An official from the city of Seoul explained, “The budget includes not only the left turn response signal, but also the front blockage prevention detector that controls the straight ahead signal.”
Currently, a number of opinions from drivers complaining of discomfort due to a malfunction of the left turn transducer are posted on YouTube videos related to Cookie News’ ‘1 minute’. Opinions such as ‘I’ve waited endlessly in a broken place’ ‘The place where it’s broken most of the time and the maintenance cost is not too expensive’ A periodic left turn signal would be more efficient’ ‘There are many complaints about being inconvenient and it seems to disappear soon’.
Choi Se-il (63), who has been running a private taxi for 13 years, said, “There are many cases where the left turn signal comes in even if you don’t stop at the left turn signal box.” said.
The city of Seoul plans to install video detectors in 16 locations as a pilot left turn response signal project and analyze the effect to determine whether the project will continue.
Reporter Cho Eun-bi [email protected]
![[단독] Seoul left turn response signal 'nameless office'... “Unable to disclose failure status”](
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2023-06-11 21:00:08
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