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Lebanese people

To penetrate Lebanon to the end, this is his message. And for the Lebanese to adopt themselves, this is their invitation. In the center: the universality of consciousness and the constructiveness of being. These are not impossible, when they are convinced that the vanguard in their existence is neither in the East nor in the West, nor in the adherence to ideologies, but rather in the state of Lebanon, and from it the call of the East and the West to the hill.

The dilemma of the Lebanese is that they didn’t want to be the proof, so they drowned in the contradiction, generalized in the images and lost depth, and plunged into the solution of the emergency, then retreated from above and from what the truth is invented . Their present before their past is a testament to the extent of their self-denial. And whoever denies himself is uttered by reality and denies what comes from him… And after having shaved, they have returned to disperse in the caves of themselves and in the dungeons of themselves, where snoring is synonymous with death.

What is the advantage of the Lebanese, if they have become nothing, in a homeland that is everything to everyone? The seriousness of the matter lies in the fact that many mountains are waiting for someone to tell them: “Move!”, for them to move… and only they can command them.

And if they continue like this, they will sacrifice the most dangerous thing fate can come down to, before death. And the fate here is not just theirs, but the fate of humanity in what is, first and foremost, a human existence.

This is what worries me when I see the young men and women of Lebanon caught up in ambiguity and illusion, obscurity and superficiality, contradictions and negligence in emptiness. They have no narrative except blind parrots leading them to plunder, and criminals fighting with them to drink their blood, after they wandered them out of the deed, and threw them into their answers, then answered their actions.

وأتساءَلُ: هَل تِلكَ الجُثَثُ المُتسابِقَةُ الى الهُروبِ مِنَ المواجَهَةِ والتَهَرُّبِ مِنَ البُطولَةِ، هيَ لأحفادِ مَن أحيا الرَميمَ وأعادَ صِياغَةَ العَرَبيَّةِ، لُغَةً وَمَدارِكَ، وأدخَلَ العُروبَةَ في الحَداثَةِ، بَعدَما إنحَبَسَت في زَنازِنَ التَدَيُّن الحَرفيِّ وَديكتاتوريَّاتِ التَعَفُّنِ؟ Will it perhaps be for the descendants of those who devised clearer immersions for the West than to show themselves, after being lost between reality and example, ending up in the contract of objectification, meaning their habituation to clash with the divinity?


أنا حينَ صَحارى الشَرقِ تَنمو أزهاراً كاذِبَةً مُرتَضيَةً بالمُخادَعَةِ صِنوَ التَطَوّرِ، وَحينَ صَحارى الغَربِ تَنمو مُعادَلاتٍ لا تَتَذَهَّنُ مُرتَضيَةً بالأضاليلَ صِنوَ التأنسُنِ، لا أرتَضي لِشَعبيَ أن يَكونَ إلَّا كَما أفهَمُهُ: هوَ الدالُّ وَهوَ المَدلولُ، هوَ البُرهانُ الغائيُّ، الفاعِلُ النائيُّ. Measuring clarity and reaching the link between postulates and free expressions.

وإذ وَحدَهُ لبنان، دونَ سائِرِ التَكاوينِ، قادِرٌ على تَحريرِ الشَرقِ مِن سرابِ مَخاديعِهِ، والغَربُ مِن عَبَثِ مَضاليلِهِ، وإذ هوَ وَحدَهُ، دونَ سائِرِ صَمَدانيَّاتِ المَسكونَةِ، قادِرٌ على تَحريرِ الإلوهَةِ مِن زيفِ البَشَرِ، والبَشَرِ مِن تَزييفِ الألوهَةِ، فإنَّ على اللبنانيِّينَ أن يَكونوا، في Creating truth is tenacity, and in dealing with falsehood there is steadfastness. Their heroism – proof that they remain the rugged and shelter. They are vigilance and will. They are faithful to the rare love of equals: the alliance between earthly enterprise and heavenly horizons, which is not deified by a slave, nor is it deified by slavery.

He pledged his individuality to his own individuality, deriving his lineage from his land, not from gender, race, language or religion.

A tender era of Danny Al-Qatuf, saving his harvest for himself and to free the worlds from the fatalities of their abolitions.

With it, Lebanon becomes a formative, definitive homeland, consensus of the starting point and manifestation of what it is and will be.

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