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Lavaur Hospital: update on the strike

the essential
More than a month after the start of the social movements, negotiations are still underway between management and the various services.

Throughout the month of March, a series of social movements were launched in the various departments of the CHU de Lavaur, culminating in an unlimited general strike which began on Thursday 24. This large-scale action – around a hundred people had thus manifested in the main courtyard – involved the nurse anesthetists, the EHPAD, the long-term care units (USLD), the follow-up and rehabilitation care (SSR), the adult psychiatry department La Gravette, the hospital day care center for teenagers and emergencies.

More than a month later, how has the situation evolved? “We see a real willingness to listen and dialogue on the part of management, testifies Patrick Estrade, co-secretary of the CGT and nurse in the psychiatric sector, with shared findings. But the responses must be up to the challenges and that’s not always the case right now.”

According to the CGT, to date, only nurse anesthetists have fully won their case, while negotiations are continuing in other departments. For La Gravette, the union nevertheless noted several “steps forward” on the part of management and underlined a general positive progress.

Two sensitive points

On the side of the EHPAD and the USLD, on the other hand, no agreement has yet been reached. As for the emergency department, negotiations have not yet started. The two sensitive points would thus be the night closure of emergencies, as well as the accumulation of overtime, up to approximately 9,000 hours. A meeting should take place on May 2 to discuss these topics. Management said it hoped to reach an agreement quickly. However, she notes that the number of strikers has decreased significantly.

“Obviously, there is always a margin of discussion between the demands of a union and the reality, declared the director Olivier Rastouil. Our wish is that the dialogue is maintained and that we arrive at compromise solutions. “

The hospital remains in an “unlimited strike” state, although patient service is still assured.

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